
RTW September 25

A Mary Moment You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said. Luke 1:45     My Takeaways Something Old Did that really happen? Am I crazy? How can I be certain what I experienced was real? Something New Like God used Elizabeth to confirm Mary’s encounter with the angel,…

RTW September 24

The Word In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1     My Takeaways Something Old The Word in John 1 is referring to Jesus Christ. I love hearing what The Word was: The Word already existed in beginning. “In the beginning God created…

RTW September 23

Send Shame Away Once again you will have all the food you want, and you will praise the LORD your God, who does these miracles for you. Never again will my people be disgraced. Joel 2:26     My Takeaways Something Old And what a difference between man’s sin and God’s forgiveness! For this one…

RTW September 22

Don’t Deny Denial But you ask, ‘How have we ever shown contempt for your name? Malachi 1:6     My Takeaways Something Old Denial: refusal to recognize or acknowledge. Denial will carry us to places we never intended to go Denial will cause us to do things we never intended to do. Denial will keep…

RTW September 21

My Gatekeeper Is Me The gatekeepers and their descendants, by their divisions, were responsible for guarding the entrance to the house of the LORD when that house was a tent. 1 Chronicles 9:23     My Takeaways Something Old The gatekeeper was responsible for: Opening the doors in the mornings and closing them at night….