RTW September 25

A Mary Moment

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.
Luke 1:45



My Takeaways

Something Old

Did that really happen?

Am I crazy?

How can I be certain what I experienced was real?

Something New

Like God used Elizabeth to confirm Mary’s encounter with the angel, God will also confirm our encounters with Him.

Then we respond with praise.

Something to Do

Praise God for choosing me for a “Mary moment.”


© RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.



  1. Also praying to have Mary faith. Thank you Wendy for obeying God!!!!! This ministry has been a blessing to me since 2011!!! I’m picking it back up in September because it blessed me so much in past years!!!! Thank you for your Mary faith!!!

  2. Thanks Wendy for this lesson. It has been such a blessing to be part of RTW and so glad you obeyed God and started this ministry. My something to do- is to have Mary faith. I love the stories of the birth of John the Baptist and birth of Jesus.

  3. I saw the thread of obedience in today’s reading.
    – Luke 1:45 Mary was blessed because she believed and obeyed what the Lord had asked of her.
    – Luke 1:63-64 Zechariah received back his speech when he obeyed by naming his son john.
    – Matt 1:24 Joseph obeyed all the Lird had commanded him.
    – Luke 2:16 The shepherds obeyed the angels.
    Blessing come through obedience to God and his word. Am I obeying what He’s asked of me? Am I trusting Him to do what He’s called me to even if it seems odd or hard or unimaginable?

    I also pondered over what mary and Elizabeth’s time together was like as they shared in pregnancy and in what God had called them to.

    Luke 1:77 – am I telling people how to find salvation?

  4. Wiw! After watching the teaching today I am blown away by how God is confirming both in his word and in Wendy’s teaching about his calling in me to lead the women at church in RTW in 2019! I’m nervous but thankful for his continued confirmation

  5. MY Takeaways: Jesus IS the Messiah

    Something Old: “The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!” Luke 2:11. Today I read about the greatest event in history, the birth of the Messiah. For the last 9 months I have read the Old Testament with the promise of a Savior weaved throughout. Well today I read where this promise is fulfilled. Jesus is born.This is the Good News! Jesus came into this world for us all. Yes it’s true, Jesus did come into this world as a tiny helpless baby. But Wow, what an amazing purpose he had. He died for me. He died for you. He ascended to heaven and one day he is coming back to rule this world! What an amazing impact He has on everyone who is willing to accept this wonderful miracle from God.

    Something New: Jesus had just arrived in this world, but as sad as it sounds there were a lot of misunderstanding about His purpose here on earth. Zechariah said, “Now we will be saved from our enemies, from all those who hate us” (1:71). Simeon “eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Isra- el” (25); and Anna told everyone Jesus had come to “deliver Jerusalem” (2:38). So there were misunderstandings from the very beginning. Jesus had a purpose. He was born to save us from our sins. But due to these misunderstandings the Jews thought Jesus was just an ordinary prophet and delivered Him up to be crucified. Due to these misunderstandings “a sword that pierces the soul” became a reality as Mary later watched her son die on the cross (2:35). There is still a great deal of misunderstanding surrounding Jesus today. It seems so clear to me that Jesus was and is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. But many in our world today are unsure. I often wonder why and how I can get others on board to come to know that Jesus is God’s son and the only one able to save us from our sins. But then I remember that it’s only God that can pursue a person that the gospel is true. Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (John 6:44). But one thing I can do is pray and live out my beliefs for the world to see.

    Something To Do: Pray and ask God to help me be a witness to others by the way I live. The Bible says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness” (Galatians 5:22). Pray that these are evident in my life resulting in drawing others to my one and only Savior, Jesus!

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