
RTW August 4

Wanna Know God? “He gave justice and help to the poor and needy, and everything went well for him. Isn’t that what it means to know me?” says the LORD. Jeremiah 22:16     My Takeaways Something Old Then some of the wise old men stood and spoke to all the people assembled there. They…

RTW August 3

Choosing Rebellion No one can tell it anything; it refuses all correction. It does not trust in the Lord or draw near to its God. Zephaniah 3:2     My Takeaways Something Old Warning signs of rebellion: Check my heart. Zephaniah 3:2 ~ Teachable Heart             no one can tell it anything Trainable Heart              refuses correction Trusting Heart               …

RTW August 2

Oh What Joy What sorrow awaits… Habakkuk 2:9,12,15,19     My Takeaways Something Old No matter what unfortunate circumstance surround you, God is still in His holy Temple. (Habakkuk 2:20) Something New What Joy Awaits those who Live in humility (Habakkuk 2:4) Trust in the Lord, not themselves (Habakkuk 2:4) Find rest, because they strive…

RTW August 1

Revival Calls for Radical There the king read to them the entire Book of the Covenant that had been found in the LORD’s Temple. 2 Kings 23:2b     My Takeaways Something Old “that had been found” Wow. What if I did not know where my Word was? Something New 2 Kings 23:3 The king…

RTW July 31

At The Crossroads This is what the Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around.  Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’” Jeremiah 6:16     My Takeaways Something Old Don’t reject…

RTW July 30

In Love With The Wrong God But you say ‘Save your breath, I’m in love with these foreign gods, and I can’t stop loving them now!’ Jeremiah 2:25     My Takeaway Something Old Jeremiah 4:3 Plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Plowing is hard work. Something New Can‘t is translated as hopeless…