Hope Hope Hope

I read this in Lamentations the other morning, “Everything I had hoped for from the Lord is lost!” (3:18) Have you every felt like the writer of these heart-wrenching words?

On more than one occasion I’ve uttered something similar. After a few hopeless seasons, I realized I felt like my hope was gone because I was putting my hope in things that fade, fail, change, or end.

The writer of Lamentations later reminds himself of a few things worthy of hope… things that will never what doesn’t fade, fail, change, or end.

• His faithful love
• His new mercies
• His faithfulness

Let’s comfort ourselves with His hope today.


  1. HOPE IS MY FAVORITE WORD❣️ In a Bible Study Group we were all asked if we could describe the Bible with one word, what would it be?
    HOPE was my answer❣️??

  2. Hope….such an important word especially in times of great distress. But I was introduced to a very different perspective on the word from a young lady I had the pleasure of hearing speak recently at a Priscilla Shirer event. Katherine Wolf had a major stroke at the age of 26 that left her permanently disabled. She should’ve died is what they said, but she didn’t. She knows all about the power of hope and talks about it along with her husband in her book Hope Heals. It’s an extraordinary, inspiring story of God’s faithfulness.

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