RTW May 5

Give Even If You Don’t See

And now, because of my devotion to the Temple of my God, I am giving all own private treasures of gold and silver to help in the construction. This is in addition to the building materials I have already collected for His holy Temple.
1 Chronicles 29:3



My Takeaways

Something Old

David sacrificed for something he would never experience.

Keep giving. Keep Serving. Keep obeying.

Something New

The people gave. Good leaders inspire others to lead. David and Moses inspired others to give toward the building Tabernacle – Moses in the desert and David in Judah.

Something to Do

Give, serve,  and obey, even if I don’t have the promise of being part of the outcome.



©2019 RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Great lesson Wendy- thank you!
    David’s ability to give and invest like this must have come from his wholehearted devotion to God. I loved his prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:18-19. He knew the importance of God giving us that supernatural desire to obey Him and to love him with all that we have. Our flesh doesn’t naturally want to do this. Our flesh wants to live for our own self satisfaction and thinks this is the way to a joyful life. But where I really find joy is by giving all that I am to God. I pray that God will give me a heart to obey Him and see to it that my love for Him never changes or grows cold again.

  2. Good morning all, I loved the versus about how all we have comes from God and we rejoice as we offer it back, it is a good perspective to always keep in mind. You know, that has been something that has helped me declutter and let things go to charity in recent years. I think it is easier to let things go when I don’t think of them as mine, that they were mine for awhile and I appreciated those things, and then you pass them along. Strange nugget, but I thought of it just now.
    Also, I liked this verse:

    1 Kings 5:6:
    his father, King David, had never disciplined him at any time…

    I have four children, and I have picked up on how letting things go and not dealing with them and disciplining right away doesn’t help you or them in the long run. But, the good thing is, no matter what has happened, once you realize this its never too late to do the right thing. And if my child complained about the change in my attitude I was honest in saying to them I made a mistake in how I handled it before, and it’s different now, and maybe tell them why if they are able to understand. Food for thought. Don’t spend time having a pity party about parenting mistakes, just move forward in love with the next right course of action, which I think is what David did at the end.


    1. Melissa, I appreciated your nugget about letting things go! Not strange at all! We are moving and I am going through years and years of accumulation and memories and trying to determine what to keep and what to give away, or, as you said, what to pass along. I will keep this perspective in mind over the coming weeks. Thanks for the insight. ♥️

  3. Wow !! Thank you Wendy
    This is one of my favourite ways of hearing and seeing the Bible come to life!
    Loved Listening to as you share your heart .
    Loved hearing you share real stories relating to the reading.
    There were so many practical takeaways. So many a ha moments,
    So much I learned when you spoke.
    I’m so thank for you, and what your doing .

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