RTW December 12

Complete Faith

You see, his faith and his actions worked together.
James 2:22a



My Takeaways

Something Old

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.  (MSG) James 1:2-4

Something New

  • Faith without works is dead, not non-existent. (James 2:17)
  • Our actions make our faith complete. (James 2:22)
  • We show we are right with God by what we do, not just faith. (James 2:24)

Something to Do

Complete my faith.


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  1. James 2:9
    But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
    During this wonderful Christmas season I pray for a miracle. Unity among all ethnicities and social classes.
    Something to do
    Continue to love people regardless of their skin tone or social status.

  2. I was touched by the fact that my faith should be seen in my actions. And that this doesn’t have to be big for all the world to see actions, but actions in everyday life. Like bringing the trash can back to a neighbours garden when the trash cans have been emptied and are standing on the boardwalk and you know she’s not going to be able to get it herself. Like spending some time with someone that you know is lonely. Just have a talk for a few minutes can make their day. I want to be sensible to the prompts of the Holy Spirit to act out in faith. I have to be aware that every day business is not taking over and silencing these prompts. So my to do is: try hard to be aware of these prompts of the Holy Spirit and act on it.

  3. My ‘Something To Do’ for today was:
    – Listen — don’t be so quick to have to talk and have my voice hear. Also don’t be quick to get angry. Be slow to anger and be willing to yield and choose peace.
    – Jealousy and selfishness are said to be earthly, unspiritaul and demonic…wow! Those are strong words and these are issues I struggle with. I struggle also with covering those up with boating or lying like is says in James 3:14. It says that where things are there is disorder and evil of every kind. I for sure don’t want this in my life and home! I need to replace these things with the wisdom of God that is…
    Peace loving
    Gentle at all times
    Willing to yield
    Full of mercy
    Full of good deeds
    Shows no favoritism
    Always sincere
    Will reap a harvest of righteousness.

  4. My Takeaways: Faith in Action

    Something Old: Today I started reading the book of James. Don’t you love this book? James has such wise advise to share. Did you know that James is sometimes called the Proverbs of the New Testament? I can certainly understand why. Today’s reading is just filled with the good stuff.

    Something New: Actions reveal my beliefs. What Christ has done in my life internally (making me a new creature) should be evident in my life externally. To remain steady, even when troubles come my way is what it takes to build my faith. When I give up what kind of faith am I building? “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” (James 1:2-3). How often does the world give up when the going gets rough? Marriage is work, so divorce. No one gets along at church so quit going. My job is difficult so I’ll call in sick today. I can’t handle my emotional pain so give me another drink or pop another pill. My child gets in trouble at school, so I ask myself who does the teacher think she is? I’ll fix this. When the going gets tough Christians step up to the plate, they endure and persevere. The path to mature faith comes through fields of disappointment, hurt, and, sometimes, unbearable pain. Faith works in the midst of trials. Faith refuses to give up. As a Christian I must always remain steady in my faith and let my actions reveal my beliefs.

    Something To Do: I must pray for joy in the Lord when trials come my way, knowing that the the trials – though they may test my faith – will produce perseverance in me.

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