RTW December 11

Hold On To The Progress

But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.
Philippians 3:16



My Takeaways

Something Old

I want to please God. God wants me to obey Him. He works in me to make this happen.

This amazes me!

Something New

Press toward the goal:

  • Read the Bible (Read/Study)
  • Prayer
  • Fellowship with other believers
  • Service to the body and community
  • Stewardship of all we have been given
  • Reorder priorities that please God rather than self
  • Obedience as a lifestyle

 Something to Do


© RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Thank you Wendy for pointing out that it is very often the enemy that wants us to believe the lie that we didn’t make any progression. It is true that even though we might miss days, being here and being in the word makes us read things we never read before. For me it is also that sometimes a passage that I read last year or, overlooked last year, comes to life this year or all of a sudden has a whole new meaning. God knows what I need and when I need it. I am very thankful that I can always count on Him to be faithful in showing up when I am willing to hear from Him. I am grateful for you Wendy, that you so faithfully commit to do this teaching!! I want to have it my goal to keep on learning and to keep making progress…

    1. Saskia
      You have spoken the words that are in my heart:)
      I know as I do the Bible Study next year, even though I’ve done them before, there will be new truths that God will reveal to me! I so look forward to RTW in 2018 and the truths God has for me!

      Blessings .

  2. Something to do
    ” I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.
    Oh how I long to know him more and more!

  3. I love Phil 4:6-7. I can be a worrier and I love the reminder that when worry creeps in I must pray and give thanks! It is through the praying and thanksgiving that I experience the peace of God. So simple!

    I also loved Phil 4:18-19. I echoed Paul’s prayer if having all he needed and more! God has blessed our business and family this year. Our needs have been met and more. So grateful!

    1. Haneg20, Today I also focused on Philippians 4:6-7. I do tend to have lots of worries. Here Paul reminds us to replace worry with prayer. Tell God what we need, thank Him for all He has done, and then experience His peace! It’s often a daily choice for me, but I am so grateful for The peace of Christ!!!??❤️

  4. I’m so glad that I signed up for this! It’s been a blessing already, and I’ve only been reading and listening for a few days! Thank you, Wendy, for your dedication and commitment to the study of God’s Word!! May God bless you in this ministry!

  5. My Takeaways: Knowing Christ

    Something Old: I completed Paul’s letter to the Philippians today. Paul was thankful for their support and let them know it (4:15). But more importantly he challenged the Philippians to live a Christ centered life, one of salvation and one of sanctification.

    Something New: I’m perfect because of my eternal union with the perfect Christ. Because of what Christ has done for me, I’m not guilty. This is unchangeable (salvation) but, my relationship with Him is on going and changeable (sanctification) it is a process in which I join Him in the work. I play an active role. He plants the seed within me and helps it to grow, but if I do nothing to encourage its progress, the seed will lay dormant. I must press on (3:12) as Paul writes. I can never be com- placent with where I am in my walk with God. I’m like a car on an incline; I’m either progressing up the hill or rolling backwards. In my spiritual life, there is no such thing as neutral. When I finally reach the top of that hill I will be completely perfect, in my new and glorious body. Because that is when Christ will have returned to take me into his eternal Kingdom (3:20-21).

    Something To Do: Set my mind on knowing Christ. Don’t just read the Bible for knowledge, but for action. Allow it to change my thinking.

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