RTW July 28

NOTE:  Can you believe I said July 29th?!  June yesterday, and the 29th today. Have mercy!

Tarry On

For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!
Isaiah 64:4



My Takeaways

Something Old

When we are waiting, it’s easy to feel neglected instead of treasured. Dismissed rather than loved.

And the last thing we want to do is be with someone we feel has neglected us or doesn’t love us, but what if…

Let’s view our wait as a classroom rather than a place of confinement and welcome God as our teacher.

Something New

Tarry (khaw-kaw’): wait for; tarry

Adhere to:

  • to stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling
  • to hold closely or firmly

Something to Do

Cling to Jesus!


 © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Wow! What a perfectly timed lesson. Thank you so much Wendy. I keep trying to “get through” the wait. And I too have spent way too much time blaming God for not being present for allowing me to be in this place for giving me a stubborn heart. For begging him “why won’t you change me God?“ And his answer is that he wants me to partner with him to change. But I need to change my outlook and my view of this time of waiting. He wants to teach me but if I’m not open to learning then of course I won’t learn! Which leads me to the verses that spoke to me personally today and tiebin perfectly with the lesson. Isaiah 65:1-2. God is always ready to respond but I need to ask he’s ready to be found but I need to lock he is always calling out to us I imagine him standing there arms wide open saying I’m here I’m here and I am so caught up in my own stuff, my own schemes, my own path, that I can’t hear or see him and yet his arms remain open ready to welcome this prodigal home again and again and again.

    Something to do: keep my heart in my ears and my eyes open for his call. Embrace the wait.

  2. Wendy, I love how you call our “wait” a “classroom.” I’m in an extended wait currently – waiting on a prodigal child. Some days it’s hard to remain hopeful, but I definitely see the growth that God has allowed to take place in me during my wait. It HAS been a classroom for me. The wait could have destroyed me, but instead I have grown in faith and knowledge by remaining in His Word. Oh, I still have very difficult days, but more and more I am able to give this situation and my sadness over to God. And I have seen glimpses of hope. Today’s lesson is reassuring – to know He is working while I wait in Him. I am so grateful for that.

  3. This message was so timely. As I opened my Bible to Isaiah 64:4, I had written in the margins last year about waiting well as I am praying for a miracle. And I’m still in the same wait a year later. Thank you for the reminder to cling to Him as I wait.

  4. My Takeaways:

    Something Old: Well we finished the book of Isaiah today. One of the greater books in the old testament in my opinion.

    Something New: “For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!”
    Isaiah 64:4 Great verse to focus on today, Wendy. We.dy snd everyi.es comments helped me to remember that waiting on God is more then just the time I spend in my quiet time. Waiting on God is a lifestyle of trusting in Him in every situation. He wants a relationship with me. God’s desire to be with me has nothing to do with how I’ve lived my life – either good or bad. It’s solely based on who God is and what He has done for me. God wants to have a relationship with all of His created children. So, he keeps chasing after me in all sorts of creative ways. Waiting on God puts me in a position to respond to His initiative. Knowing that God is coming after me and wants to lead me into the very best life possible allows me to position myself, my heart and mind in such a way that I’m ready to respond to God’s invitation. The practice of waiting on God is training my heart to desire God above all else. I listen with my mind and take notice to whatever God wants to say to me. It may be an answer to my prayer request or it may be that God wants to reveal more of Himself to me so that I can become more like Jesus. It is good for me to wait on God. God is good to me when I wait for him.God works uniquely through waiting, giving me blessings that I couldn’t get any other way. When I try to shortcut the waiting, I miss out on the blessings he wants to give me.

    Something To Do: Wait on God. Respond to His invitation. Desire Him above all else.

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