I Am Changing the Way I Pray

I am changing the way I pray.

Yes indeed.

As the New Year began, I made a commitment to vamp up my prayer life. I purchased a spiral notebook and divided it into sections. (You may remember the post: Adding Power to Prayer) Each section has specific requests to pray and answered prayers to praise. The prayer journal is transforming my prayer life just as I excepted. God always knows what He is doing.

Now He is bossing me again.

For several weeks now, whether I am praying in public (Yes. He bossed my prayer as I was praying in a team meeting last week. Seriously God?) or praying in private I have heard these words, “Stop asking for me for what I am already doing.”


“I am already with her…I am Emanuel.”

“I have already provided what she needs…I am Jehovah Jireh.”

“I have her healthcare under control…I am Jehovah Rapha.”

“I see her battle. I am her banner… I am Jehovah Nissi.”

His whispers were confirmed as 1 Peter 1:3 flashed through my mind: “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

His Word always confirms His whispers.

“Stop asking me for what I am already doing.”

Why should we use our words to ask Him to provide what He is already providing? Let’s fill our prayers with praise, praising Him for how He is already working in the lives of those for whom we are praying.

I know this is a radical thought. Hear me out.

We can accomplish such a change in our prayer life when we will become more thoughtful as we pray. Our prayers can no longer be rushed or rote. We will need to make room to hear His whispers while being more intentional with our words.

His whispers will direct our prayers as we navigate through this new way to pray. As we leave ourselves open to respond to His instructions we will know when to ask and when to praise.

How do you feel about taking your prayer life in a new direction?




  1. Wendy, I went back and re-watched the video you linked above. Loved the instruction!

    And thank you for sharing the Lord’s words of “Stop asking me for what I am already doing.” It is a new truth that will impact my prayer life. Instead of asking, I will praise Him!


  2. God has been teaching me that there is a difference between praise and thanks. We often praise God for answered prayer, but shouldn’t it be that we praise HIM all the time, and thank HIM for how we see Him answering prayer?… Your blog makes me really turn prayer up side down!

    1. This is one of those times, I really wish we could just get together to talk “God things.” 🙂

  3. Wendy, this is powerful! You opened my mind and heart to changing how I pray. You are so right, God is providing above and beyond what I am already praying for. Thank you for sharing this message today.

    And I agree with Linda, I wish we could Skype, have a conference call, or something to further explore this topic!

  4. Wendy, In agreement with you in prayer. Declaring Gods goodness, exalting Him!! He is the victor and because of that we can overcome. Jesus, thank you, that by your Holy Spirit you are with us. Give us all ears to hear you more clearly, its your presence Lord that we want and crave.

  5. Wendy, I thought I was behind in reading your posts, but as always it is God’s perfect time! I have been reading through Tara Furman’s “Intimacy with God” study and have gotten to the weeks of the study that focus on prayer. Have been using the prayer journal along with my own. After reading your post, it affirmed my thoughts about praying for Jesus to be with someone or strengthen them when I know He already is. What a beautiful way to still pray for others without compromising this truth! Amen!

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