Living Free and Loving It

As the new year continues I am walking lightly, almost with a skip. Have my husband’s health issues been resolved? Are the other issues that plagued us at the close of 2007 gone? I answer no to both the questions. Then how can I skip and love my life? There is only one answer: obedience.

God clearly spoke to my spirit concerning our morning time together. The time we had been spending together was lacking something: quality. God knew this and so did I. I knew the relationship was not what it had been and far from what I wanted it to me. God challenged me to get up when He opened my eyes. I accepted the challenge and my life has not been the same since. Obedience is truly the key to a full life with Christ. I am living proof.

I can’t help but think of John 14:15, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” This verse pretty much says it all. Do I love Him? Mmm? If I do I will obey Him, even if I really don’t feel like it, even if it doesn’t make sense, and even if it is inconvenient to my plan. If I don’t obey Him, the message I am sending is “Sorry Lord, I don’t really love you that much.” My heart hurts just to think of the times I have said no to God, telling Him that my love for Him was not deep enough enough to obey Him.

I am rule follower at heart. Rules and guidelines are meant to protect us, keep us safe, and are given for our good. God’s commands, or what He asks us personally to do should be viewed the same way. He wants to protect us, keep us safe, and He only has our best interest at heart.

Today, let’s commit to obey God and trust Him for the outcome. What do you think?

For His Renown