And the Answer is…

One of my blog readers who comments anonymously has given a scientific answer to the lipstick question. I will allow her to remain anonymous but I will say, she does not wear lipstick at all and how she knows the answer to this question is one of the reasons why I love her so: she is incredibly smart.

I will also add that I will most likely suffer through losing my newly applied lipstick to my coffee cup rather paying more for it. I am pretty frugal.

lipstick is made from a variety of waxes, oils, and pigments… the primary component being wax- to create a chemical makeup similar to that of the keratinized skin cells that define our lips… it is more likely to stick to surfaces that do not contain oily and waxy residues, like glass, plastic, and even cloth, especially if there is a thick coat applied to the lips… (think of it this way… pulling apart two melted crayons is a lot easier than prying a melted crayon from the seat of your car)

to avoid lipstick rings on coffee cups (among other things) invest in a longer lasting ($) lipstick ($) that is more likely to stay put but more likely to dry out and even chap your lips… just so you know :))

Lovin’ the girl talk.

Have a great Monday! Do something to make Jesus famous today and tell us about it.

For His Renown

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