Wendy Pope

A Spiritual Legacy

There are many websites that will compile your family tree for you. A quick internet search on your own will also yield information about ancestors’ marriages and dates of births and deaths. Sometimes, we even come across neat tidbits about where our family name originated and in what country our ancestors were born. If we…

Following God’s Nudge

Jackie knew she shouldn’t have even left her home. A headache had been pounding for three days, and she was exhausted from working overtime too many nights to count. Her mood was morphing from tame housecat to wild lion. But the fridge was empty, and dinner had to be cooked. So my grumpy friend trudged…

Seventy Times Seven

Like many moms, I looked forward to the day when my daughter’s hair would be long enough to put in bows and braids. Unfortunately, it took quite a while. God blessed me with a little girl – who was bald as an onion the first year of her life. When Blaire’s hair finally started to…