Wendy Pope

Word Up Genesis 25

What good is my birthright to me now? Genesis 25:32     There have been times, like Esau, I was willing to give up the lasting glory of God’s favor and blessing for the momentary glory of the temporary. There have been times in my life that I thought so little of the greatness and…

An Invitation For You

Hey Friends! I woke up this morning thinking about you.    April 6 Yes, No and Maybe Greenwood, AR First Baptist Church Greenwood http://www.greenwoodfbc.com/wendy-pope-ticket/   April 13 Wait and See Glasgow, KY Calvary Baptist Church LoraLee Venue https://simplechurchgiving.net/f/f2?formid=3e87f181-4ae5-46a0-a077-b568349b92f0

Nothing But The Blood

  “It is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” Leviticus 17:11 (NIV) I’ve always been squeamish about blood and around blood, therefore I tend to skim over passages of Scripture that deal with blood. Sometimes we have to shove the difficult part of scripture aside and pause. Leviticus 17:11 teaches a sacrifice had…

Nothing But The Blood

Only with Jesus can white cover a stain. King David knew only God could completely rid him of the filth he felt from his sin. He cried out for forgiveness and received it. You and I can do the same thing. Cry out to God. Ask forgiveness. Experience glory of His cleansing. What can wash…