
RTW February 28

Hey wonderful RTW Friends!!! This Thursday is our February Facebook Live.   Our guest is Whitney Capps. She is going to share her insights and expertise on the law and it’s application to us. Waters Of Jealousy He will make the woman drink the bitter water that brings on the curse. When the water enters…

RTW February 27

Hey wonderful RTW Friends!!! This Thursday is our February Facebook Live.   Our guest is Whitney Capps. She is going to share her insights and expertise on the law and it’s application to us. At The Center Of Everything The tribal divisions will camp beneath their family banners on all four sides of the Tabernacle,…

RTW February 26

Hey wonderful RTW Friends!!! This Thursday is our February Facebook Live.   Our guest is Whitney Capps. She is going to share her insights and expertise on the law and it’s application to us. Tithing And Giving One-tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit from the trees, belongs…

RTW February 25

However However, if you do not listen to me or obey all these commands,… Leviticus 26:14     My Takeaways Something Old Romans 1:18-25 Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served…

RTW February 24

The Provision of Obedience When you plant your fields in the eighth year, you will still be eating from the large crop of the sixth year. In fact, you will still be eating from that large crop when the new crop is harvested in the ninth year. Leviticus 25:22     My Takeaways Something Old…

RTW February 23

Spiritual Prostitution I myself will turn against them and their families and will cut them off from the community. This will happen to all who commit spiritual prostitution by worshiping Molech. Leviticus 20:5     My Takeaways Something Old What do I sacrifice on the altar of my heart to the gods of this world?…