RTW October 29

“Washing The Feet” of Backstabbers

Jesus knew that the Father had given Him authority over everything and that the had come from God and would return to God.
John 13:3



My Takeaways

Something Old

Having taken off his outer garment (himation), Jesus was left with his tunic (chiton), a shorter garment like a long undershirt. Slaves would be so dressed to serve a meal (cf. Luke 12:37; 17:8). Jesus tied a linen cloth around his waist with which to dry their feet, obviously not what one would expect a master to do. A Jewish text says this is something a Gentile slave could be required to do, but not a Jewish slave (Mekilta on Exodus 21:2, citing Leviticus 25:39, 46). On the other hand, foot washing is something wives did for their husbands, children for their parents, and disciples for their teachers (b. Berakot 7b; cf. Barrett 1978:440). A level of intimacy is involved in these cases, unlike when Gentile slaves would do the washing. In Jesus’ case, there is an obvious reversal of roles with his disciples. The one into whose hands the Father had given all (John 13:3) now takes his disciples’ feet into his hands to wash them (cf. Augustine In John 55.6). (Biblegateway)

How do you wash the feet of those who will betray, deny, and abandon you?

Jesus knew who He was. Jesus knew His purpose.

Knowing who we are and knowing our purpose empowers us

  • To carry out our calling.
  • To do what the world deems impossible.

Something New

I wonder which disciples prepared the last supper.

Something to do

Know who I am. Know my purpose.




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