RTW December 7

Make The Effort

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
Ephesians 4:3



My Takeaways

Something Old

Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 blesses my heart beyond words.

Something New

Unity 101

  • Be humble. Avoid getting tangled up in our own rightness. Humility puts God’s rightness first and doesn’t try to push a personal agenda.
  • Be gentle. Avoid being harsh when the opportunity arises. Gentleness responds kindly even when kindness isn’t reciprocated.
  • Be forbearing. Avoid rash retorts in moments of tension. Patience demonstrates the strength self-control and wisdom of waiting.

Something to Do

For the sake of the Kingdom, keep unity.


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  1. I love Paul’s prayer in Eph 3:14-21. It has so many rich truths in it. I’ve been using this as a prayer over the Bible study I’m in…that our hearts would grow to be christs home.

    I also loved Eph 5:8-14 about light. I’ve been doing an advent study on light and am loving seeing all the ways Jesus and the Word bring light into my life.

  2. Just being honest…I so struggle with this… it’s not about my personal rightness, but about the mission of the church and when people and situations get in the way of the church becoming outward reaching and more about a social group, I just have a LOT of difficulty with keeping quiet. I know it’s the delivery that counts, too…and the “pick your battles”, etc. but it has taken its toll on my energy and commitment.

  3. Nuggets from Paul in Ephesians 4:

    You have been called by God. Be humble, gentle, patient, peaceful. Live in unity.

    You are created to be like God-truly righteous and holy. Let your words be good, helpful, encouraging. Be kind, tender hearted, and forgiving.

    Live as people of light! The light will produce what is good, right, and true. Christ will give you light!

  4. My Takeaways: Let My Light Shine

    Something Old: Today Paul switches things up. At the beginning of his letter he wrote about everything Christ had done for them. In today’s reading Paul challenged them to live in light of what He had done. “Therefore, I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God” (4:1). My life should be a clear reflection of the work of Christ.

    Something New: Without God my walk is unworthy. As a believer I must change my ways. My life in Christ should reflect these changed ways. My wholesome lifestyle should set me apart from the world. So I have to ask myself, do I stand out as bright spot in this darkened world? When I shine that light, it causes others to notice and it provides opportunities for me to speak of the truth. The problem is that often times my light isn’t “bright” enough. I look too much like my darkened surroundings. When the world sees me doing and saying the things that they do, then they notice nothing different. So why would they want to be a Christian? Often I claim Jesus with my lips but deny Him with my lifestyle. That’s a real problem for Christianity. I must remember not to live excately opposite, to draw attention to myself, but rather to draw attention to the Lord and what He has done in my life. When people notice a positive change in me, BINGO, thats my chance to introduce Jesus and what and how He has brought about this change.

    Something To Do: Shine my light so it is bright. Be completely humble, patient and bear with others in love.

  5. Interesting that the lesson is on keeping our peace within the church. For several months I’ve been in discussion with our younger Pastors now serving about the fog machine being to much and could we do 1 service of the 3 without it for those with health issues? No, they want them all the same but I could sit in fireplace area and watch on the tv. They believe I’m the only one with this problem as I’m the only one who has said anything. I responded with others have trouble but as the loud music response was flimsy earplugs that don’t work they have given up. So I have prayed God break the fog machine (it still works) so I’ve either sat in fireplace area or wore a mask. Now I have peace but if those Pastors walk by I feel the enemy trying to stir something up. Your words of giving grace as I have received grace are comforting. Yes, the Holy Spirit is amazing as He directs and helps our responds. So great to be back in the study.

  6. I’m like you Wendy I’ve underlined so many verses but I have also written in or put dates next to passages that mine is hard to read and I’m going to need to buy another Bible for 2019.

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