RTW September 11

A Greater Future

Does anyone remember this house-this Temple-in its former splendor?
Haggai 2:3



My Takeaways

Something Old

When we stand in the ruin, we can have hope.

  • Look closely at the past (Haggai 2:3)
  • Be strong in the present (Haggai 2:4) become strong, be courageous
  • Hopeful for the future (Haggai 2:9)

When we return to Him, He returns to us.

Something New

God sent another message to another prophet. Zechariah 1:7.

God is always talking, always reaching for His people.

Something to Do

Do whatever it takes for a greater future.


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  1. Thank you for a touching lesson! I am living proof that rebuilding is always possible. There has been a time in my life that I was so ruined that I thought I would never ever be able to feel well again. It was partly due to my own choices and partly due to other peoples choices that brought me to that place. I didn’t know so much about God yet, the way I do now. I didn’t know how to trust Him and frankly at that point of my life I didn’t care at all. I felt abandoned, crushed, rolled over by the heaviest vehicle possible. Return to me and I return to you… yes that is what speaks to me. God knew I wasn’t going to return to Him all by myself. Because even if I wanted to, (which I didn’t at that point! I was so mad at God) I wouldn’t have found my way. He sent people my way, one very dear friend of mine that I know since Kindergarten. Her calm personality and her unshakeable faith in God helped me. She was this kind nature that points to God without giving you the feeling that you are judged. She listened to my mess, comforted me and told me just to not ever do something like that again now that I knew what came from that. But without judgement. Just a “so now you know that things only can get better”. He spoke to me through books I happened to read, borrowed to me by this same friend. She says now that she was not even aware of the contents of the book but it was speaking to me and it was as if God was reaching out to me. It was Deadline from Randy Alcorn. It was a long way. I got many blessings on this way but also many times my past seemed to get the best from me and throw me into this pool of doubt again. But I am getting there. My faith has grown and I am ever so thankful that God never ceased to rebuild me. That He gently led me to wanting to be rebuilt. Because He never does anything against ones own will. So here I am now, a happy person. I have everything I ever dreamed off but most important I feel that I am loved, I feel that my bad choices in the past do not define the one I am now. I can recommend everybody the book of Chrytal Hearst, we are studying now in P31 online Bible study: she’s still there. It is about the value each one of us has in God. We are all His masterpiece and He delights in every single one of His children. Yes… let the rebuilding begin. It is never too late!!!!

  2. Hmmm. Really something to think long and hard about–I can lay here in my own created self-ruin for the rest of my days here and it won’t affect my salvation. I will still spend eternity with Christ. It’s my choice. God wants to begin the rebuilding. But do I? Or is it more comfortable to wallow in my pile of self-pity??

  3. My Takeaways: Start Working

    Something Old: Haggai 2:4b. “… be strong all you people still left in the land. And now get to work, for I Am with You, says the Lord of Heaven’s armies.” The people had returned to worshipping God, God promised to bless their efforts. The time had come for them to get to work. Finish the temple. Prayer, Bible study, and worship are all necessities in allowing me to grow as a Christian. But there is more to my Christian walk then just the above, eventually I must get out and do the work God has prepared for me. God wants to use me to help change the world . God has given me a job to do in the church, at my job, and in my home. The time has come for me to take courage and get going. I need not fear, because God is with me! How will people know about God if I don’t get out there and share what I know.

    Something New: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel hand.” (Zechariah 4:10). The Lord is faithful, when I finish what He started. I might think that what I am doing for the Lord is small and insignificant at the time (like the older people involved in rebuilding the new temple and comparing it to the old temple), but God doesn’t look for the size of my work, He looks for what my hearts desire is. He looks to see that I am doing what is right. I must always be faithful to God’s desires for me, even in the small opportunities. I just need to get started in the work. I need to begin where I am at. I need to do what I can do today. Take the plumb line in my hand and God will show up!
    “He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

    Something To Do: Get going and start doing the work that God has prepared for me to do.

    1. Love your sentence, “Take the plumb line in my hand and God will show up.”
      I’m a bit behind on reading having had my mom in the hospital, opening the school year, and now preparing for a hurricane. But so glad to have a few minutes today to spend in the Word with my RTW family.

      1. Oh my goodness, I can’t even comprehend what it would be like to go through a hurricane. My prayers are with you all. I am relaxing and taking it easy this week with my husband, on his business trip, in the Ozarks. It is 82 degrees here and I have been at the beach all day. Got to get back to real life on Monday because I am teaching a robotics class to 30, 7th and 8th graders. Stay safe, get your mom well and don’t work too hard.

        1. That sounds lovely! Enjoy! I am located in the middle part of the state, so it won’t be as bad here as it is on the coast, but it is a massive storm. Prayers for all those affected. (In 1996, after Hurricane Fran, we were without power for 8 days! Trees toppled all around us. Hope it’s not that bad this time.)

  4. Haggai 2:9 – “The future glory of this temple will be greater than its past glory, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. And in this place I will bring peace.”
    Peace. What a lovely thought in our chaotic world. In His Temple, God brings peace. We are now the Temple of God. Perhaps God has put the capacity of peace in each of us if only we will stay in relationship with Him. I pray that I can reflect God’s peace to my little “corner” of the world.

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