RTW April 11

Do I Hide Or Abide?

Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over Saul’s head. He kissed Saul and said, “I am doing this because the Lord has appointed you to be the ruler over Israel, his special possession.”
1 Samuel 10:1



My Takeaways

Something Old

When God chooses you for a special assignment, what is your first response to Him?

Pick someone else Lord, I’m not equipped. My past is too tainted. I have no credibility and limited resources. These were just a few of my favorite go-to responses I gave God when He called me to women’s ministry.

 In our reading today we meet a man from the tribe of Benjamin whom God selected to be guardian of His special people:  Saul. He was tall, regal and very handsome. (1 Samuel 9:1-2) By the world’s standard, he was a natural choice to be king of Israel. He even embraced the assignment during his personal anointing service with the prophet Samuel. However, when it was time for the big reveal to the nation, Saul was nowhere to be found. (1 Samuel 10:22b)

Sometimes the appointment of the assignment is easier than its completion. When our nerves set in and we want to hide behind the luggage, let’s remember a few things:

  • Remember your initial moment with God. Saul had very memorable moment. There was no pomp and circumstance, just God, Samuel, and Saul. He was anointed with oil which was typically reserved only for priests.
  • Remember God’s confirmation to your calling. God confirmed His plan for Saul in three unique ways. You may not have been greeted by someone with the two loaves of bread but I’m certain God confirmed His plans for you.
  • Remember God selected you for a reason, His reason. Jump out from behind the luggage and walk confidently in your calling. He has equipped you to carry it out.

Something New

We have to remember Israel had a king, they just didn’t want the the king they had. Oh how this must have grieved God.

1 Samuel 10 opens with Samuel anointing Saul with oil. Anointing oil is a concentrated mixture of myrrh, cinnamon and other natural ingredients. (Exodus 30:22-33) The oil didn’t have supernatural power, but was more symbolic in  nature.

Something to Do

Trust God and step out into my assignment.



 © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Wendy, I love today’s lesson and I’ve stood in Saul’s shoes, knowing I have been called, but lacking confidence to step into the call. I pray for clarity to know what God is asking of me and for the strength to bravely answer His call.

    I also found 1st Samuel 12:20-22 interesting. Before we had forgiveness in Jesus, we still had the reassurance that even after doing wrong, if we return to God, He would not abandon us. It pleases the Lord to make us his own.

  2. My Takeaways: The outside of a person doesn’t reveal their heart- the person they truly are.

    Something Old: The people get what they want, Saul is anointed King.

    Something New: Saul was called by God, but he didn’t want to face the responsibilities that God had given him. “At that time the spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you are prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person.” Saul had power without grace, and gifts without holiness.

    Something To Do: Do not yield to discouragement, but recognize the hand of mercy in the fall. Thank God daily for the gift of his son and what he did for me at the cross.

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