When My Mind Says “You Failed”


Lynn Cowell, author of the new Bible study, Make Your Move: Finding Unshakable Confidence Despite Your Fears and Failures.


Fail. It’s a word I’ve heard my kids use when something goes wrong. Just plain “fail.”

It’s a word I know as well. Failure is what I felt when I’d done all I knew to do to make a large project successful. Yet, according to my measurement, I had fallen very short. All I could think was, You failed.

I found my mind swirling, trying to process what happened. Confused, I wondered, God, why didn’t You help me? The project was for Him, after all. You would think He would have stepped up and helped me, at least in the way I was looking for help.

What did I do wrong?

Maybe I’m just not cut out for this?

My confidence was gone.

Can you recall a time when you thought you were doing what God wanted you to do, yet it didn’t turn out how you anticipated? Was your confidence shaken, not just in yourself, but in God?

Friend, you are not alone. It’s so easy to lose our confidence when things aren’t going well.

When David wrote the words found in Psalm 57:7, “My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises” – words filled with faith and hope – he was hiding in a cave. Not alone, but with 400 guys who were also running from trouble, in debt or just plain discontented with life as they knew it.

Here, in this awful situation, David reaffirmed his security hadn’t changed even if his circumstances did. His confidence was still built on God.

According to my study Bible, the word “confident” in the original Hebrew means: “set in place, make secure, to be made ready, be attached.”

I love this last definition: “be attached.” My mind pictures a new bride, attached to someone who cares deeply about her, with her face glowing. Her relationship brings her confidence.

David’s relationship brought him confidence as well. Despite his horrific circumstances, David experienced security and contentment because he knew God was with him even in those circumstances.

God can make us brave whether our lives are coming together or falling apart. We can have a heart and mind that is set in place, secure and attached, even when our circumstances seem to say, “You failed.”

I want to be like David. Confidence attached to God. Unshaken by any situation or circumstances. Unable to hold back His praises.


Has there been a time when circumstances were less than perfect and your confidence was shaken? Comment below by Tuesday, December 19, for a chance to win a copy of Lynn’s Make Your Move Bible study book and DVD bundle. U.S. Addresses only please.

In Make Your Move, Lynn Cowell explores how confidence-in-question keeps us from boldly experiencing what God intends for our lives. Learn more about her new Bible study and download 10 Verses to Build Your Confidence here: http://lynncowell.com/make-your-move/.



Lynn Cowell is a national conference speaker who is passionate about helping women of all ages understand the importance of Christ confidence. She is the author of several books including her newest study for women, Make Your Move: Finding Unshakable Confidence Despite Your Fears and Failures, and Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You , just for girls ages 8 – 12. Lynn and her husband, Greg, have been married for over 30 years and are the parents of three young adults. They enjoy spending time together, especially when it combines the mountains, well-worn sweatshirts, and anything with chocolate and peanut butter. Connect with Lynn today at www.LynnCowell.com.


  1. Yes, I have had my confidence shaken. Whatever I do does not seem to be good enough for this other person. I have wondered how I need to make my move.

  2. Self confidence is something I have struggled with most of my life. I often find myself saying to myself, “You failed”. Especially at work, where it seems so vitally important, I beat myself up over things that don’t turn out right. I always question what I should have done differently. Oh, how I long to have the confidence of David.

  3. Thank you, Wendy for sharing God’s Word with us so faithfully and helping us apply to our lives! So excited about this Bible study and opportunity to win. I no longer want to live in a spirit of fear! Jesus bless you and your family! Merry Christmas!

  4. When I read Lynn’s bio, I wondered how she knew what had happened to me! I poured everything I had and gave my best for my Master and the result from the outside was amazing but the talk that was given to me by my Pastor, albeit ever so gentle, hurt me to the core and left me wondering and doubting what I had heard God invite me to join in on a work for Him, and where I fit it in our body of Christ. Had I put ME before HIM, had the talent and gifts I thought I had been given real? Were they just my own opinion of myself? Where’s the spiritual gifts inventory? I think I need to retake it!!! Where do you want me to serve you best, Lord?

  5. Yes, I have had my confidence shaken many times. I would love to do your Bible Study especially with the Young Mom’s that I lead in a study on Monday’s.

  6. The enemy beats me up regularly concerning confidence. I know that there are many ways the Lord would have used me but I didn’t have enough confidence to even try. I say that I know that I can do all things through Him but I haven’t walked that out! Would love to win this study.

  7. I was pegged as being “shy” throughout my school years and this label really shook my confidence for so many years. Would love to learn more about what Lynn has to teach about confidence through this book!

  8. Hi Lynn,
    I struggle most after I have confessed sin, asked forgiveness, and purposed to repent but fall right back in to self-directed confidence that this time I won’t fall back into the same area of sin. This is an area of life I
    need God confidence to help me change and grow but it is hard to maintain that “long obedience in the same direction.” . Help!

  9. It was almost a year ago when my husband went in for a knee replacement & came out of surgery with a new knee & on dialysis. Our lives were changed in an instant & my confidence was shaken. I’m thankful for God’s promises & people he put in our lives to help us through a dark time. I don’t know where we’d be without God’s blessings during this past year. Our journey is far from over, but my confidence is God is as strong as ever.

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