My Prayer Book

Happy Monday Friends!

One of our sweet sisters in RTW made a request after my devo Creative Reminders to Pray ran last week. She watched my video and loved the prayer book. She asked if I would share in written form the sections of my prayer book. I thought it is a wonderful idea and thought you might think so too.

My prayer book is filled with verses, sayings, and prayers that I print then tape in each section. It is not at all fancy and borderlines on being a bit messy but I feel certain God will not give me demerits for the mess. LOL.  I hope the 2015 version will be a little neater.

Keep in mind, these are my sections. Feel free to use them or adapt them to meet your needs.

Section 1: Verses, Quotes, and Other Good Stuff

This includes anything that touches me. It could be song lyrics, quotes from my pastor, or other favorite speakers.

Section 2: For Me.

I address the following questions: What is God teaching me? What is doing in my life? What does He want me to learn? Am I obeying Him? What are my thoughts about what He is asking me to do? What do I need to learn?

I also record personal celebrations and praises for what He is doing.

Section 3: Family (Prayers, Praises, Loses, and Verses)

I have verses that I pray for my family. For years God has lead me to the verses. This year my children are old enough to choose their own verses. These verses deal with areas of their lives they want to improve in 2014. I print and personalize the verse for each person.

I also include specific requests they asked me to pray about.

Section 4: Friends

I pull prayers from FB pages, text messages, and phone calls. I record praises and loses. I also have specific verses God has lead me to pray for people. This year I asked some friends to give me verses I could pray for them.

Section 5: Others (Country, Church, Ministry)

I am committed to pray for our country and my local church. I am also committed to praying for the church at large. This is also where I record my prayers for my speaking and writing.

Well, there it is. I hope it helps. Thanks for asking Tammy.

Now… you share your ideas. How do you organize your prayers?



  1. Goo Morning Sweet Wendy. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You are so open, giving and sharing an we appreciate you. I have a prayer journal I write in daily my prayers and praises and I do look back thru it at the end of the year to see what all was going on and what all has been answered. I may try your way. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Thanks so much Wendy this is a great help for this detail girl. You are such a blessing to us. Have a wonddrful day.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    As usual you are such an inspiration rampin’ up my prayer life has been a whisper that I have been receiving as well and where I have made a couple of attempts, I slack off. I have a prayer notebook that I have divided in to sections as well. I have put mine in one of the 5 x 7 notebooks with loose-leaf paper in it and I keep the paper in several places. I am thinking that the spiral is an idea that I might want to entertain, easier to carry and move around.
    My sections are based on praying specifically for one group each week day and then of course not limited to that days “group”. The sections were as follows:
    My Husband
    My children
    Family – extended
    Praise, thanks and worship
    My church/ministry
    Our Nation / political / world issues
    In the sections for my husband and children one thing that I did do was to trace their hands and glue it to a sheet of paper in their respective sections and as I pray for them I put my hand over theirs.
    This is just a different take on Wendy’s wonderful prayer book.

  4. Hey Wendy,

    Thank you for sharing your thought and ideas. Sounds like something i need to do for myself. I have an 11yro son who I am constantly butting heads. I know his age comes with the territory of attitude/ all about me. He sets me off with his smart mouth, whats in it for me attitude, disrespectful, ungrateful attitude and constant arguing with myself (more) and my husband. He does have a really caring heart when his attitude is right. He sets me off, annoys his older and younger brothers. My husband says we but heads and cant get along cause we are so much alike….stubborn. He also tells me he will be the one to take care of me when I’m older. I’m at my wits end and need guidance on how to pray for him…. Other than Lord help me not slap that mouth into the middle of next week. (Ok, I know it’s horrible of me but I am just being real) HELP!

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