Jesus Joyers

“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Matthew 10:30 (NIV)

Have you ever been around a person who displays real Jesus joy? She is hard to miss. She has peace in the midst of turbulent storms, hope in hopeless situations, and smiles the through tears of personal trials.

Jesus Joyers have discovered the truth of Matthew 10:30: losing your life for the sake of Christ.

In the economy of our “me first” world, losing your life doesn’t sound like a plan that would lead to personal joy and life satisfaction. Jesus’ words were as radical to those with whom He was speaking to then as they are to those who read them now. How can losing your life lead to finding it?

He is the focus. Everything we do and say is for His sake.

When we take the focus away from our wants, rights, needs, and desires, He transforms our heart’s desires. His sake becomes second nature. The surrendering of ourselves for His sake and sacrifices we make for others produces the Jesus joy we desire. Over time our wants, rights, needs, and desires no longer matter.

In losing myself, I find myself, the me I have always wanted to be.  The me who is willing to spend myself for the comfort and convenience of a stranger. The me who will help a friend without considering the personal cost.

What can you do for His Sake today? It’s not easy or popular but when taken completely as prescribed this prescription is guaranteed to make you a Jesus Joyer. So just swallow, smile and serve!


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