
Reshaping Me

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Life gets interesting when we yes to God.

  • “Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” Galatians 5:25 (NLT)
  • “If you love me, obey my commandments. John 14:15 (NLT)
  • Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

How is God trying to reshape your life? How are you responding?


  1. This was just what I needed this early this morning. Thank you for your time and efffort. For your spirit and desire to bring the word to us in a way that is uplifting and filled with kindness and so relevant. It is pleasing to the ear and earning to the heart.

    1. I thank God for todays devotional. I too need to listen to the Holy Spirit, to allow him to reshape my character. He convinced me that I need to yield to him and humble my self and ask for forgiveness.

  2. Thank you Wendy for this msg and the reminder of obedience in all things.
    For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11 NKJV)

  3. Struggling to accept how God is not only reshaping my life, but my thoughts. Obviously it reflects in my attitude.
    Thank you Wendy for being so honest in your blog. Your question is just what I need to take a hard look at myself.
    Thanks for your encouragement – I am going to follow your lead.

  4. Thank you for this encouragement. I believe this is just what we needed to hear today.

  5. Your devotion is just what I needed to start my day off. Each day I ask the Lord to help me to see the many opportunities that I know He has planned for me, but there are so many times I am pretty sure I just overlook or ignore them. Thank you for the reminder that whatever I do, I need to do to my best ability.

  6. God is reshaping me in having more of a servant attitude at my work. It’s funny you mentioned taking out the trash since that’s what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. I’ve also been paying careful attention to the many telephone calls I answer each day. It’s very easy for me to become frustrated but God doesn’t want that for me or for that to be shown toward others.

  7. Thank you so much for your encouraging words today. I look forward to reading and listening to your blog each day.

  8. God is shaping me by teaching me to trust Him while we are in the process of moving. I respond many times with anxiety and feeling I need to control, but He is teaching me to TRUST HIM.
    Thank you for sharing your Ebook Bible study. I look forward to it.

  9. Wendy
    Thank u for your devotion, your post and your video today! I love getting to explore that topic a little deeper.
    My favorite line in the video is when we say yes to God and he can trust us, then he will entrust us with more of his will for our lives. That is powerful. I will continue to pray over that idea and ask to be aware of his leading and obedient to follow.
    Thank you. God Bless your heart!

  10. All I could say is Wow. I don’t know if I could have done that on the fly. We had a cleaning business in the past and I cleaned houses but I always had my rubber gloves. But what God asks each of us to do is different. I was a caregiver for over 16 years and changed countless adult diapers. That wasn’t something I really wanted to do but God gave me strength in the moment.
    Thank you for the devotion and the encouragement to listen to the Holy Spirit.

  11. Thank you for your message Wendy. God is reshaping me in the way I treat my loved ones. I can be nice to evryone else around me, but when it comes to the ones closest to me, I’m a whole different person. Great message!

  12. Thank You Wendy for sharing from your heart. The encouragement and challenge spoke straight to me this morning. Self evaluation of my heart and love toward God and others brings me to confess sin and ask God to change my hearts desires to look more like Him.

  13. Thank you Wendy for this divine message! As I was listening, I began to feel so much conviction because God has been trying to take me to a higher dimension in my life, but I refuse to obey His daily commands due to fear of the unknown. I would hear His voice, but I would allow the enemy to interfere and interrupt what God was trying to say to me by asking “Why” questions. I believe God is reshaping me in a way that involves completely letting go of soul ties, my past, and anybody or anything who isn’t acceptable in His sight. I need His help and strength to do all of these things because I can’t do it on my own. Many things have changed in my life when I said “Yes” to God and I know that more spiritual transformation will take place, I just need to trust in His will. Very encouraging and insipirational Wendy, thanks again!

    1. Denise,

      I know exactly what you are feeling and going through because I know God wants to work with me and I hear his voice however the enemy is taking over and I must stand my ground and listen to God. I want to be his servant and pray that all of my addictions most specifically shopping for things that I do not need just want please help me break this cycle. Today’s word reminds me again that when at work feeling frustrated overwhelmed and angry I need to take a moment to remind myself that I work for God and redirect my focus on him for he knows where he is leading me and why I am where I am today. Thank you.

      1. Dinora,

        Thank you! It’s always good to know that I’m not alone and that other people are or have gone through similar situations. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul tells us to be strong in the Lord and to put on the full armor of God to stand our ground on the evil day(s). I ask God to break every chain that hinders me from successfully serving Him and His kingdom. When I’m at work I ask Him to be a fence and to protect me from any negative forces that may try to come against me or my coworkers. I was struggling with distractions during my first semester in grad school and I had to also redirect my focus on Him and understand that He is the center of my life:-).

  14. Wow did I need this for today! God has been working in my life for me to “take out the trash” My husband and I just moved to to a new state and we had to buy a fixer upper. I have 4 kids so you can imagine how hard it is for us as women to live in construction! My husband does all the work himself to save money. But is extremely busy with his new job so doesn’t have a lot of time to work on our house. I am not a patient person but guess what God is trying to teach me right now. Instead of complaining I need to be more helpful to my husband and grateful for how hard he works for our family!
    Thank you for reminding me to show Christ’s love today!!!

    1. Patience oh how i know and hear that word from my husband for he knows I have no patience and it drives him crazy (i often make his nervous) not to mention how I feel when I hear it. Immediately my defenses come up then I catch myself or shall I say the spirit points is out that why am I being impatient and ugly that is not what God wants from me. God does not want us to rude and nasty to others just because we are fighting with our own emotions and childlike behavior. Oh God you ask us to surrender ourselves to you and to seek you out during these difficult times and when I stop and reflect I ask your forgiveness again and again then take a moment to pray silently and my attitude changes immediately. God knows that I need and where I am today and will provide for my future just keep me on track God Almighty.

  15. I am with Cindy, I wear rubber gloves when I clean the bathroom, not sure if I could have done what you did Wendy, thanks for your obedience to God. What a blessing you are. I love your posts and how honest you are and vulnerable to share the real you with us!! God is reshaping my life by showing me I need to be more obedient to Him without complaining and grumbling to others, I need to go to Him with my complaints and How am I responding? Some days not so good, but I am a work in progress!! Gos Bless you Wendy♥

  16. Thank you for your devotion. I have my own salon and never thought of clients excited about and apt. and going to get their hair done. I will look at each client differantly now,knowing how much more I’m blessing them and God blessing them thru me and to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to me and be obedeant, and I did clean my bathroom yesterday!

  17. Saying “Yes” to God each and every morning is my goal. I want to be ReShaped by Him so, I will look for those opportunities to folllow the spirit’s leading even in the small stuff. Thanks Wendy for simple explanations and actual life applications!

  18. Thank you for bringing in the additional scripture to enhance the one in Galatians 5. I have often used the Colossians one with my kids to encourage them to strive for God’s excellence, and not mediocrity, but when combined with John 14 and Galatians, it takes my efforts and attention to the Spirit’s prompting to a whole new level.

    I hate taking out the trash, so I can only imagine the blessing it was for all your P31 peeps to have their trash emptied! So do you carry disposable gloves in your pocketbook now, just in case of emergency toilet cleaning calls? If the Spirit told me to do it twice, I think I would start carrying the gloves around. 😉 do I love you God, if I wear gloves? I’m not sure I like the answer to that…

  19. Loved the video, Wendy! Thanks for the reminder that sometimes our service to God is not just through big, bold actions but through things that we don’t even think willmatter as well.

  20. Thanks for this devotion! What a great challenge to listen to God in all circumstances! Just what I needed to hear today!

  21. Thank you for speaking from your heart. We all need encouragement and reminders in this busy life we a living!

  22. God has been working on my servant attitude towards my family. To lose that attitude that can creep up on us of “I’ve done all this for you and you don’t appreciate it, you take it for granted, and you don’t do anything in return.” Can you tell it’s been a rough couple of weeks around here?!?! I’ve definitely felt that nudging to rethink – am I doing this for appreciation and recognition – or am I doing this because this is my family and this is how I can serve them on a daily basis? Thanks for your additional reminder to rethink my attitude – not theirs!

  23. Thank you , Wendy for the wonderful message today. It has me thinking about the little things I can do for God! I long to be more like Him in my day to day walk! Thank you for your encouragement!

  24. I know I was led by the spirit today to google online bible studies and found your site with this message for such a time as this! He is amazing! Reshaping our lives requires trusting Him and not leaning on our own understanding. He is faithful to complete the work, we just need work with Him. It starts with Obedience and “TIME” set aside to Be Still and Know. Thanks for your encouragement and your ministry!

  25. Lately, I have been convicted about speeding. I know the Spirit has laid that on my heart because of my impatient nature. So, I’ve been trying my hardest to comply. I have found, the more I do it – the easier it becomes. I actually have time to slow down and enjoy a conversation with my Lord on the way to work! This morning, I was being passed by several cars in the passing lane – which is common. I stay to the right and try to stay out of everyone’s way. There was one car that came up close and fast – I could just tell that he was angry, both in the way he tailed me and then passed me. I could feel indignance rise until God reminded me of my own impatience. Shaping my heart, shaping my life!

  26. This was a great devotion. Just what I needed to hear. The Lord has been whispering in my ear quite a bit lately “How much do you love me?”. Obedience is the key to being reshaped. So blessed to hear this!

  27. I was humbled this morning by your honesty and and convicted at the same time. Convicted because I realized I’m not seeking Him with my whole heart and there are a lot of times I get so caught up with my to do list that He isn’t even a thought during the day! My prayer this morning is for God to help me to love him that much! So much that I am aware of how He is reshaping me and how I am responding to Him.

  28. Wendy,
    I so enjoy reading your devotions on Proverbs 31. Your ministry helped me so much after Mitch died. I am grateful!
    I always knew God’s hand was on your life in a special way. The Holy Spirit spoke to me today through you, as He has so much lately, realizing I need to allow God to reshape my life however He chooses, not how I choose. I want to be an example wherever I am – unto Him! I do want Him to accomplish His plan, not mine. I want my life to count for Him.
    Thank you for the reminder to listen more carefully and with a desire to love Him more. Miss you, love your family!
    Kris Tucker Shields

  29. Thank you for sharing God’s Word with us today. I really enjoyed listening to your video. I’ve recently felt a little lost from who God has created me to be– so your title of today’s devotion caught my attention. It’s amazing how simple and hard obedience can be in the mundane moments of our days. I’ve been moving as well in the midst of everyday life continuing. I needed this Word! Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing. God is so good. He doesn’t give up on His task of making us more and more like Him. I love what you said about asking God to help you love Him more. I pray that all the time. Thanks Wendy!

  30. Thank you for that message!! Often times I feel that little nudge to go the “Extra Mile”… and often times I don’t. I reason my way out of being a servant! Your blog today encouraged me to listen to that little nudge and DO IT! Thanks again Wendy!

  31. I am a believer, and God has always been in my life…I have learned thru a 2 year struggle after loosing my husband with many side struggles that have come forward beyond that
    that I have not always done what I needed to do for God…tho my blessings were given to me, many times without me asking for them…I always said thank you… I know there is a deeper way and I am trying to find it fully and live it …

  32. I consider myself a new believer even though I attended church for over 28 years. It has only been the last 5 years that I finally surrendered my heart, spirit, and will (sometimes) to God. During this time I have been called to step out of my comfort zone many times by sharing my testimony to strangers. I can feel the Spirit telling me, urging me and sometime not relenting. Every time I submit I am always blessed beyond my expectations. I don’t submit for the blessings, however, I submit because I am really trying to be obedient. I know that God has something incredible for me and I have to be obedient to His will if I am to fullfill His purpose for me. Two years ago the Holy Spirit was relintless in pushing me to go back to school and as a result, I am working on my Master’s in Counseling. I feel humbled that He thinks that I can help others but it is my wish to go where He leads.

    Thanks for your “yes” to your call!

  33. Thank you for your words today. John 14: 15 “If you love me, you will obey what I commamand. It is not always easy, but when I do it, it touches others in ways I do not see. Sometimes I get blessed with kindness in return and sometimes not. Thats ok because what matters most that I obey God. Thank you for sharing your trash story.
    I’ve been picking up trash too and stuff on the floor when I see it. Sometimes it’s not pretty, but someone has to do it.

  34. Sometimes it is in the garbage that we find what we are looking for. Thank you for your inspirational message today….I am listening and obeying!

  35. Thanks for sharing today. I myself have been going through similar things with God. He has been asking me to set aside my pride in order to obey what He is wanting me to do. Sometimes this is not so easy for me. Your post gave me encouragement not only to walk this new path, but also that I am not the only one who struggles with doing some of the things God calls me to do. Thank you.

  36. thank you for such a fun (in a way) but a very important reminder. I wonder what was the reaction of the salon’s staff when they realized that someone cleaned their bathroom (esp. the person whose job it is at the salon). I think I have similar struggles at work at times…when tasks (that I think are not my responsibility to do) get thrown at me, esp. last minute, but I try to remind myself that there were no ‘too low’ tasks for Jesus, so there should not be ‘I am above that’ tasks and attitude for me either. I think it takes discipline and obedience to follow this principle daily.

  37. I am 9 memorized scriptures into this year’s SSMT with Beth Moore and it has already made an amazing difference in my life. Along with being just a real good brain exercise:), it has had a definite affect on my attitude and spirit!

  38. Thank you Wendy for the “etc” of your daily devotional. I read them often and God lead me to click on your video. As I watched, I felt that he knows I’m searching to honor and glorify him. I question if I’m paying attention to what God is asking of me and I think you provided the right questions to ask myself.

  39. Thanks for the encouragement. It was so great to see you in a video again.

  40. Your devotional caught my eye today because I am in hair emergency mode. My friend who cuts my hair has been sick for over a week, and my stylist who colors is booked for THREE weeks-Ahhhhh! I was convicted by your devotional, and then went to your blog to see your cute hair…and cute it is!!!!

    Thank you for the reminder to be a better listener to God’s voice. I am willing, but sometimes distracted by being busy, and then my voice becomes louder than His.

  41. I love this! I am doing a study with Melissa Taylor right now, and this weeks CH is about learning to trust God, and allowing him to shape you:)
    I am just learning to study Scripture and each morning I pray from the Psalms:) so your study interests me. How do we sign up for the giveaway? I am mobile, and signed up as a subscriber to your blog, I would like to possibly do this Psalms study with a women’s group I am starting:)

  42. Hi Wendy
    I sure hope you read this! I read your devotion this morning and thought it was really cool and thought what are the chances that God would speak to you in a public bathroom… not denying it, just thinking how He works through unusual circumstances. Fast forward to 2:00 this afternoon. My daughter and her friend are getting their hair cut for Locks of Love. The friend’s brother came in and grabbed my hand and said that the toilet in the men’s room had overflowed. I jumped up and went and looked and sure enough, the floor was about half covered in water from the toilet. And of course, it had been used. So I went in armed with towels, haircoloring gloves and a plunger. I had wiped up the floor and all of a sudden, your devotion came to my mind. I smilled, thinking to myself “what are the odds?” I picked up the bottle of disinfectant on the hot water heater and proceeded to clean the floor and the wall where stuff had splashed, plunged the toilet and cleaned out the sink, doing it as if it were my own. When I took the towels back to the hairdresser, I told her about your devotion and we all had a great laugh… talking about how God really does have a sense of humor! Like I said, what are the odds?

  43. Thank you for your devotion and honesty. I really needed this. I have drifted far from God and coming back requires me getting way outside my comfort zone. This gave me courage to continue the journey back to God.

  44. I have been telling God no a lot lately. I needed some encouragement. Thanks so much !

  45. I have been very adamant about not homeschooling my son and God has been speaking to me in the last couple of weeks about homeschooling him next year. Great post today. Thank you!

  46. God has been talking to me about reshaping my life – physically and spiritually. You have really encouraged me by what you had to say today! I, too, want to respond to God and be obedient in the small things and the big things. Thank you for your encouragement. I look forward to listening again.

  47. Thank you Wendy for those words of encouragement. I could so sympathize with you when God asked you to pick up those clothes or items in the store, and you said, really me!!! He has done that to me too!!!! Here I thought I was crazy!!!!!!! I think He is teaching a lot of us to listen to His voice. I love reading your blogs and devotionals. Thank you. Have a wonderful day!!

  48. Wendy, thank you for saying yes to God. I loved what you said about trusting God enough to obey Him in the little things so He can entrust us with His purposes for us.

    [email protected]

  49. Wendy, I have met you at Cape May, NJ. God has been working in me so much the past 2 years. This is another message to me to really keep my eyes open and do what the Holy Spirit wants me to do even if it is trash or “potties”. God Bless you and your team.
    Thank you so much. Have a blessed day. I am going to do kindness to someone everyday and really listen.

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