Power Words

Day 54

Perspective. That is really what it is all boils down to. Well, not all. It is also about choices. Yes. Perspective and choices are how the worst can become the best.

Two words I am trying to teach myself and trying to teach my children. If I had mastered the power of these words as a young woman my life as an older woman would certainly be different.

World Dictionary

Perspective: a way of regarding situations, facts, etc and judging their relative importance

Choice: the opportunity or power of choosing

I put in bold the words I find most significant to allowing God make our worst our best. The relative importance of each negative or difficult circumstance that arises must be evaluated calmly without haste. God’s grace is sufficient and He is a very present help in time of need. (Nahum 1:7)

When we take a deep breath, receive His grace, and appeal to His presence in the moment things seems there worst we experience His power empowering us.  It is in moments like these we have the opportunity and power to choose: to see things in the light of eternity or in desperation of the moment. And in the light of eternity, most “worsts” really aren’t that bad or urgent.

In the light of power words perspective and choice it is imperative we absorb an Old Testament truth into our New Testament blood:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55: 8-9

Now that is the real perspective changer, don’t you agree?



  1. Wendy…what a thought provoking way to end the day…to look at it from a different perspective and to thank God for the guidance he gave when I remembered to seek it first and for blessing me anyway in the moments when I hastily made choices “on my own” ?

  2. This was soooooooo important for me today, was about to hastily make a life changing decision, without consulting God first.

    Thank you God Bless

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