Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

The blessings are too numerous to tell, don’t you think? I grew up on the old the hymns. We used to have hymn night at least one Sunday a month. Did anyone else have hymn night? The worship leader (a.k.a choir director) would allow individuals to call out the number of their favorite hymn. We would quickly turn in our hymnals (Remember those?) to the number that had been shouted. We would sing the first verse then eagerly await the next number. One of the favorites was always Count Your Many Blessings. (…name the one by one) I am singing the song in my head as a write.

My blessings on this Thanksgiving Eve are too numerous to tell. Can I get witness? I would be afraid to even begin to list them as I might leave something out. But I will list one that is at the top: my husband’s health. If you have followed my the story you are familiar with my husband’s battle with the an unknown health problem for over 2 years. One year ago this month, in a “hail mary” effort, Scott went to the Mayo clinic for tests in hopes of a diagnosis and treatment. Many from near and far covered us in prayers. God heard and with great mercy answered those prayers and today, Scott’s eye infection is stabilized and he his receiving treatment for RA. He is now enjoying good health and new appreciation for life.

Yes, today I have many blessings to count and give thanks with a grateful to my Lord and Savior for His constant attention to my life.

Hear and join in my worship: