One Foot in the Hole and the Other on a Banana Peel

I was close, so very close to falling head first into an old familiar pit. This is a pit that I thought had been closed in with fill dirt, in fact, I was almost sure there were flowers planted in the rich soil to beautify this ground that I had once surrendered to the enemy but later victoriously took back. Notice I said, very close. I slipped in and was white knuckling the edge, holding on for dear life when I felt myself being pulled out.

I realized the rescue was happening this morning as I spent time with the Lord. I found myself in the book of Exodus. The children of Israel had been released from Pharaoh’s control. The Lord had provided an escape through the Red Sea, made manna fall from the sky and water flow from a rock. I joined the continuing saga when God’s children went into battle with the Amalekites. Moses was on top of Mount Sinai per God’s instruction. He was holding his staff out of over the battle. The staff was Moses symbol of power. God had used it to part the sea and pour the water from rock, now as long as Moses held the staff up, the people who be victorious. However, when the staff lowered, they begin to lose the battle.

Can you imagine how tired Moses’ arms must have been? The immense pressure that he was feeling must have been almost too much to bear. The victory or defeat of the people depended on the position of the staff. Well, as you can guess he got tired, very tired. Exodus 17:11-12:

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

I had some friends, like Moses, who kept me steady until sunset today. Through prayers, calls, and emails. My friends, many who had no idea what I was going through, some who have never even met me, grabbed my arms, pulled me from the side of the pit, and held my weary arms up until I was victorious.

Have you ever been lifted like this? Take a moment to thank God for your Aaron and Hur.

Living to Make Him Famous!