Don’t Forget Your Tongue

We have had frequent visits to the Dentist office lately, expensive visits. Through it all we have learned anew the importance of brushing your teeth the appropriate way and appropriate length of time. Not doing these is the reason for the expensive visits to the Dentist.

The other morning my 7-year old was giving me the low-down on how to properly brush my teeth when something profound came from out of his mouth, (something other than a mouth full of toothpaste) “Don’t forget your tongue. Brush your tongue because there are germs on your tongue.” Little did he know that he preached a sermon with those 15 words.

So many times I am quick to speak and slow to think. Can you relate? My words can unintentionally hurt someone and worse my words can intentionally hurt someone. Like my Griffin the Apostle Paul gives us some great mouth hygiene instruction:

Ephesians 4:29:

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Those words convict me every time I hear them. Do I say things that benefit those who listen? Man, I hope so.

Let’s start the week thinking with good oral hygiene on our minds: “Don’t forget your tongue!” Concentrate on letting wholesome talk and beneficial words come from our mouths.

For His Renown