
Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out

Happy Monday Dear Friends! Have you ever heard of a conference and thought “I’d really like to attend. “I’ll register soon”? Then, you went to register only to found out the conference was full? Well…. No, Determined Conference isn’t completely full, but we are getting close. If you want to attend, I want to strongly…

Don’t Miss It…

Don’t Miss It…

Happy Thursday Friends! Today is April 29th, do you know what that means? There’s only 1 day left to purchase your Determined Virtual Pass at the discounted price of $99. After April 30th, the price goes up $115. This pass gives you unlimited and endless access to the conference content. Yes! For $99 you will…

Wendy Pope: Leading Women to Learn, Live, and Love God's Word

Don’t Forget…

Never forget that you are masterpiece! You have immense purpose and potential!! Paul encourages us with this amazing and life-changing truth: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.Ephesians 2:10 NLT Did you know that you were…

Another Free Event?

Another Free Event?

Yes… another FREE Event Fire is about to FALL: The Whole World is About To Change Dear Friends, Imagine women from hundreds of countries becoming the fire of God all at once? Imagine millions of women coming together online, in person on the east and west coast- all together hearing the Word of the Lord?…