
Let Us Pray

Will you join me and my sisters in ministry to fast and pray for our country’s election? As I said in my earlier post, I don’t know what side of the political fence you stand but in the name of Jesus our Savior let’s join together to pray for our country. Not for our own…

Breaking the Silence

Friends, I am breaking a 17 day blog silence. The silence was not intentional just a symptom of a busy life. I have been refreshed in some areas, challenged in other areas as well as total blown away in others. Allow me to share: Our Lord is indescribable, uncontainable. He sees the depths of my…

My Favorite Author

In my last post, I quoted Chip Ingram. I want to quote another author today, my favorite. His name is Jesus. He wrote the most amazing book of all times, The Bible. I was reading His book today in my daily reading and needed share what I read. Let these familiar words fall fresh on…

God Delights

Every now and then you come across a quote that leaves you spellbound, one that you must share. Take in these words by Bible teacher, Chip Ingram: “God delights to do impossible things through improbable people to impart exceeding grace to undeserving recipients.” That is our God. Doesn’t He leave you breathless?