
RTW May 17

Bitter vs Blessings Then I realized that my heart was bitter and I was all torn up inside. Psalm 73:21     My Takeaways Something Old khaw-mates -sour, grieved, pungent innermost part (torn up inside) If I get bitter, confess it, receive his restoration and move on. Don’t wallow in what they have and I…

RTW May 16

The LORD Is Psalm 145     My Takeaways Something Old The LORD Showers compassion Always keeps His promises Helps the fallen Supplies our needs Satisfies the hunger and thirst Righteous in everything He does Filled with kindness Close to all who call on Him Grants the heart’s desires of those who fear Him Hears…

RTW May 15

The Exchange How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! Psalm 133:1b     My Takeaways Something Old Harmony is a state of oneness, the absence of diversity. Be Humble Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be…

RTW May 14

The Frightening Thought of “What if?” What if the LORD had not been on our side? Psalm 124:1b     My Takeaways Something Old What if Yahweh had not been on my side? I shutter to think where I would be. Something New The benefits of being a Believer (Psalm 103) God: Forgives all sins Heals…

RTW May 13

There’s Joy In Searching But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. Psalm 70:4a     My Takeaways Something Old We have it all kinds of wrong, if we think our deepest joy can be manufactured in our position, power, or prosperity. Our deepest joy will not be…

RTW May 12

A Heart That Praises Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Psalm 66:1b     My Takeaways Something Old The heart that praises Exalts God (1-4) Invites other to see what God has done (5-7) Allows refining (10-12) Gives offerings and sacrifices (13-15) Invites others to hear what God has done (16-17) Confesses sin…