
RTW August 9

Girls- Acclimating from vacation was a little rough for me. I got the dates mixed up and thought today was the 8th. Please forgive me, but I recorded First 5, got home late, and wasn’t able to record a new video for today. Hopefully I will be back on game soon. Weary Warrior Then the…

RTW August 8

Uncommon This is what the Lord says:  “Do not act like the other nations…” Jeremiah 10:2a     My Takeaways Something Old Romans 12:1-3 – NIV Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do…

Word Up Exodus 4

Hello Friends! Today on Word Up we will meet up with Moses, pre-Exodus. God challenges Moses with a question that requires trust. I’d love for you join me. I’ll be live at 10:00 am est. Scroll down to see the teaching notes and the link directly to my ministry Facebook page is below. This is…

RTW August 7

A Wise Man The king was furious when he heard this, and he ordered that all the wise men of Babylon be executed. Daniel 2:12     My Takeaways Something Old The king called in his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers… Who do I call? Do I have wise friends? Something New A Wise Person…

RTW August 6

Determine Not To Defile But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. Daniel 1:8a     My Takeaways Something Old Daniel drew boundaries… He was determined not to defile himself and… The chief of staff respected and gained affection for him. The four…

RTW August 5

The Obedient Prisoner  “Then Jeremiah said to Baruch, “I am a prisoner here and unable to go to the Temple.”‭‭ Jeremiah‬ ‭36:5        © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings…