Our Intermission

My mom, daughter, and bestie and her momma watched the three-and-a-half-hour drama The Sound of Music in the movie theater. As the word intermission rose to center screen, I felt relief. Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie, but I had been sitting so long that I was getting fidgety. Plus, I really needed to use the ladies’ room. The intermission gave me the opportunity to refresh myself and pause my thinking. It was exactly what I needed to stay focused and engaged with the rest of the movie. Sometimes God’s greatest work happens during intermission.

We often interpret our seasons of wait as inconvenient, an interruption on the way to the ultimate outcome. Might I suggest we view our wait as an intermission rather than an interruption? It’s kind of like an intermission in a really long movie, instead popcorn, pretzels, and a giant Icee, we can immerse ourselves in Scripture, worship, and prayer.

Our intermission can be a time of refreshing and connecting with the Lord. Though waiting can often feel like a placeholder we impatiently long to be done with, it is beneficial. We get to know God, love Him and others more, and grow in humility and holiness. By not giving up and letting God determine the how and when, we experience divine encounters with Him we might otherwise miss.