RTW July 2
A Quick Word from Wendy
Arguing With A Fool
Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.
Proverbs 26:4
Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools, or they will become wise in their own estimation.
Proverbs 26:5
My Takeaways
Something Old
Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound. Proverbs 25:20
I need to remember this when I sing and spread happy cheer to one who isn’t ready to receive it.
I need to remember this.
Something New
kes-eel’ (kes- eel) fool:
stupid fellow (lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind), dullard (insensitive), fool (a person who lacks judgment or sense)
First and foremost: be prayed up and studied up
- is someone in danger or harm
- who you are answering
- the value of the argument
- whether or not you have the right answer
- the reason for your response to their argument
Something to Do
Be ready, but also be wise.
First – I want to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outdoor lessons, Wendy. And I’m assuming that is your front porch – it is lovely!
All these same verses (and more!) stood out to me. And the lesson really hit home as usual. I always feel (still) that I need to prove that I’m right – state my case and convince others. Even more so now that I have escaped from a church steeped in heretical teachings – I want so much to pull people out and I have been coming across so strong and forceful and yes, argumentative. And even though I’m using Scripture to try to convince them, I’m seeing just how judgmental my HEART is. I literally am thinking of them as fools. So it’s a fine line as they ARE in danger and being led straight into the darkness – and they are my friends – but maybe I need to just pray for them.
I am praying for the Lord to change my argumentative nature – and trust that He will. Set a guard over my mouth, Lord!!
Proverbs 25:20 – This is also an area that I am challenged. I tend to want to make others feel better so in the past I would I try to convince them to make “positive confessions” (part of the culture I was in). Sometimes I just need to allow others to be where they are at …. and ALWAYS trust that the LORD will lead them beside still waters. That’s not my job!