RTW June 18

In Need Of Repair

So, King Joash called for Jehoiada and the other priests and asked them, “Why haven’t you repaired the Temple? Don’t use any more money for your own needs. From now, it must all be spent on the Temple repairs.”
2 Kings 12:7



My Takeaways

Something Old

Building projects took a long time, but this one was taking especially long.

The project had been stalled not due to lack of money, but poor financial management.

Is my Temple in need of repair?

Do I have

  • bitterness waiting to be repaired with delight
  • fear waiting to be repaired with courage
  • unforgiveness waiting to be repaired with mercy
  • anger waiting to be repaired with joy
  • pride waiting to be repaired with humility
  • hostility waiting to be repaired with peace
  • hate waiting to be repaired with love.

Are my repairs stalled?

How much longer will my repairs be stalled?

Who is managing my repairs, the Holy Spirit or me?

Something New

King Ahaziah’s mother must have been very powerful to have destroyed the royal family. 2 Kings 11:1

Something to Do

Allow the Spirit to make the necessary repairs.



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  1. I find it interesting that Joash was hidden in the Temple! Clearly, Athaliah didn’t spend much (if any) time there.

    Jehoiada referred to Joash as king before he was anointed as king.

    Another king who did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight … “YET, EVEN SO …. he did not destroy the pagan shrines”. This can be said of me as well. Oh yes, I do what is pleasing in the Lord’s sight, but Wendy’s list really hit home with me today …. there is so much STILL to be done. But I need to allow the Holy Spirit to do the work – I can’t change myself.

    And finally – a “word” from the Lord through Wendy that I so needed to hear: “I have to decide whether I’m ready to turn over the stalled job to the Holly Spirit and let Him do His work”. I truly believe this sentence was meant for me to hear this morning. And I know it’s in a different context than Wendy was speaking about – but I literally have a job offer coming from my old job (where I want to return) but it is going to take a couple of weeks for them to go through proper channels. I want to quit this horrible new job I started a few weeks ago TODAY – but the Holy Spirit has been whispering for me to be patient – something I’m not super good at. And in the meantime, I can allow the Holy Spirit to repair my Temple … praying through this list from Wendy.

  2. -Jehoida was a great mentor and advisor to Josh. This must have been extremely helpful to him as Joash was only 7 years old when he became king. However, it seems Joash became too dependent on Jehoida as he was easily swayed to do wrong soon after Jehoida’s death.
    My takeaway here is that human mentors and advisors are good but I need to be careful not to be dependent on any one person for advice. Ultimately, I need to take all advice to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to see if it lines up.

    -As was said of the construction workers, would others say that I am honest and trustworthy?

  3. Dear Wendy,
    Thank you for this powerful message and for the Words of Wisdom and Understanding you provided in today’s lesson! and yes I have repairs to be done.

    Bless you always,
    Marilyn Fielding

  4. “Why do you disobey the Lord’s commands and keep yourselves fro prospering?” 2 Chronicles 24:20. OUCH!

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