RTW May 30

Don’t Ruin Everything

Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.
Proverbs 13:3



My Takeaways

Something Old

Oh my!! All these verses on my mouth. 11:9, 11:11, 11:12, 11:13; 12:14, 12:16, 12:18, 12:19, 12:22, 13:2, 13:3

Something New

I have the power to reign in my tongue or ruin everything. Oh be careful little mouth what you say. (A song I used to sing with my children.)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV) Ephesians 4:29

Something to Do

Don’t ruin everything with mouth.


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  1. My Takeaways: Short wise sayings for godly living

    Something Old: Tidbits of Truth between the godly and ungodly. Solomon gives scattered advice on what a godly person should look like, think like, talk like, act or react, etc.

    Something New: “Sticks and Stones can break my bones but words can never harm me.” So wrong! I enjoyed the lesson today. Especially the analogy used with the words we say and toothpaste. I had the same verse, Proverbs 13:3 to ponder over today. “Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.” If I want to be self-controlled I have to control my tongue. What I say probably affects more people than any other action I take. So what’s the godly thing to do with my tongue? Control it of course. Think before I speak. Know when silence is best. Always give wise advice. I should have a caring tongue by speaking honestly and encouragingly. Solomon is so right when he says opening our mouth can ruin everything. Like Solomon described I either bless others with what they have to say or remain silent. Just imagine how much better my life would be if I took control of the small, but powerful member of my body, my tongue.

    Something To Do: Dedicate my heart, mind and tongue to the Lord daily. Pray that God would give me an awareness / consciousness of my words. Surrender my right to complain. Ask for forgiveness for any unloving words or attitudes. Practice speaking words that show godly living.

  2. I noted the verses from today’s reading that spoke about the actions of the wise and the many verses that spoke about the tongue. Wendy’s key verse was one that stood out to me as well. I have a page in my prayer notebook filled with Scriptures about the tongue and our words. I go over those regularly to remind myself how important it is for me to control my words, to use them wisely, and to keep quiet at times. I pray for God’s wisdom and for discernment to know when, how, and what to speak and when it is best to be silent.

  3. I noted that verse as well. And speaking can also mean emailing. Today I emailed something to a coworker that was misunderstood and caused unnecessary
    work. I should have thought about it first-what I wrote could have been saved for later and avoided the misunderstanding. Need to ponder those verses!

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