RTW January 7

Get Where I Am Going

Terah live for 205 years and died while still in Haran.
Genesis 11:32



My Takeaways

Something Old

Hagar opened her eyes.  (Gen 21:19)

Maybe I don’t see God’s provision because I’m too busy looking at my problem.

Sometimes all I need to do is open my eyes, so I can see God’s provision.

Something New

Go back to Genesis 11:31 (January 4)

Why don’t we get where we are going? “So far so good”

  • We stop short because the way is tiresome. ( “This will do. It’s not where God said but….”)
  • We stop when the way is taking too long.
  • We stop, rest, and get comfortable. (Second, Abram stopped and, at least for a time, dwelt in Haran, and not to where God promised, a land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1).)
  • We are in disobedience, and become too shameful to move on.

Terah died in Haran: Sometimes we can gain meaning from names in the Bible. The name “Terah” means delay. The name “Haran” means parched, barren. When Abram was in partial obedience, then delay and barrenness marked his life. When we knowingly disobey God, we often delay the outworking of His plan in our lives, and we also experience barrenness.



Something to do

Psalm 119: 1-8 (The Message)

You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him.
That’s right—you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set.
You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it.
Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set;
Then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel.
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me.


©2019 RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. The story of Abrahams faith being tested always moves me. Something new-Abraham carry the fire! So for three days he actually carried fire rather than starting a fire when he got there. His faith in this situation literally leaves me shaking my head. But I do believe that he knew that God would not go back on his promise and he did not argue or bargain with Him. He just obeyed.

    God acknowledges and recognizes when we offer all that we have – When we don’t withhold from him. Sometimes all that I have is a desire to obey and he will work with that.

  2. Wendy,
    What a heartfelt message for me this morning. I flipped back to my Saturday’s lesson and prayer and God answered my prayer in your message today! Don’t stop and don’t settle. Trust God to be God, he is El-Shaddai, have faith in God and believe God, if he opened a door for me he will give me all the tools l need to be successful! Don’t “settle there.”

  3. I thought it was really interesting that Terah’s name means delay, and the place where they stayed for a while, Haran, means barren. So Abraham was delayed in a barren place, not the destination that God had in mind for him. It makes me think about the barren places in my own life, and how God has more in store for me than that!

  4. I’m having an ouchy moment this morning!!! Lord, please show me where to go and give me the strength to get there.

  5. I was challenged today by Gen 22:12. God blessed Abraham for not withholding anything from Him even his only son. God challenged me with this question…”What might you be withholding from me?” That’s one I’ll have to sit with for a bit and ask God to show me what those things might be and then surrender them to him.

    I also noted how Abrahams servant prayed before he made any moves when he got there. God answered the servants prayer and showed His unfailing love and faithfulness. This was the first place I noted the word love being used in relation to God thus far in our reading. Love is my word of 2019 so that was exciting to note!

    1. This same verse challenged me and I was also struck by the thought, “what am I withholding from Him?” I am not sure which is harder…..not knowing what that might be or KNOWING it all too well and having a hard time unclenching my fist!! I believe I do know exactly what God is asking me to turn over and I am wanting very much to release it and trust Him with the outcome.

      I have prayed for you to have the insight needed to see, and the strength and wisdom to respond well.

    2. I, too, was challenged by this verse. As part of my Something to Do for today was to ask God to show me what I am withholding from Him.

  6. Today’s teaching was so spot on, convicting, and encouraging. I’m very grateful for Wendy’s willingness to pour into us like this…it’s making reading through the entire Bible so satisfying and enjoyable.

  7. Oh man. This message hits me hard. I feel barren and parched and I ache for something new. It’s just hard to know what that looks like, it’s been the “same” for so very long.

    1. I feel the same and God is showing me it is not necessarily a new avenue but a new attitude in a current avenue….ouch!!

    2. Valerie, you took the words out of my mouth. I am really wrestling with today’s lesson. I must pray for clarity.

  8. Genesis chapter 24 is a a wonderful narrative story about Abraham sending his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Isaac! God was honored by Abraham, and by the servant at the well, and by Laban and Bethuel at the end of today’s readings.  It was evident that everyone was making their plans and prayers based on God!  And not based on their own ideas or will power.  God was being consulted.  “He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son’s wife.”  I didn’t read about Abraham praying to God that an angel would go ahead of the servant – nor did I read about God telling Abraham this would be the case.  Perhaps one of these two things happened outside of the text.  Maybe Abraham had been walking with God for so long now, that he may have been in such close relationship with God that he may have just somehow knew this angel would go ahead – and he wouldn’t of said it otherwise.   I wonder if I am obedient to God and walk with God for a good portion of my life, as Abraham did, if the will of God and God’s works just become more and more evident in my life?    I believe that as I go forward in my spiritual walk, God will continue to share more and new insights with me.  Which is great news!  My walk with God will not be boring!  Even in the midst of trials and hardships, if I am faithful and obedient and continually seek God’s will in my life, I will come to know Him more and more – and, like Abraham, come to know more and more of the Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

  9. I had a little different take on the situation with Terah. In spite of Genesis 11:26, we don’t know exactly how old Terah was when he fathered Abram. It lists all three brothers in that verse and unless they were triplets they weren’t all born when Terah was 70. Abram left Haran after his father died according to Acts 7 and scripture tells us that he was 75 when he left. That means Terah would have been 130 when Abram was born and substantially older when they arrived in Haran. Maybe he was too old and sick to go on. Maybe he didn’t delay but God delayed him because he was an idol worshipper and he didn’t want him to go to Canaan. Also, Abram was told to leave his kindred behind but he didn’t. He brought his father with him. Maybe God stopped him until Terah dies in order to forward his purpose. We know he went on with Lot (whom he also should have left behind) and that caused no end of trouble.

    The outcome is still the same: we should move forward in obedience to God.

  10. I was really impacted by the verses on January 4 about Terah stopping his family’s journey to Canaan and settling in Haran. I wrote in my journal wondering what made him stop. Was it tiredness, fear, doubt, etc.? Then I questioned what has made me stop in the pursuit of things I know the Lord has laid upon my heart. In the last couple of days, I have really been weighed down by this, so Wendy’s comments today had even more impact. I am praying the Lord gives me the courage and wisdom to go forth and do his will. I do not want to settle anymore.

  11. Something Old
    Genesis 24:21. No matter how many times I read this portion of scripture I always notice the servant winds up “wondering whether or not she was the one the LORD intended him to meet.” Abraham had assured him that the LORD would send his angel ahead. The servant had requested, very specifically, what was to occur. It played out exactly as he had asked. Still…..he questioned. This is so relatable.

    Something New
    Genesis 21:9, I always envisioned that it was only Ishmael that was making fun of Isaac, (as kids often do), but today I took note that it includes Hagar. No wonder Sarah reacted so strongly. (She was no innocent…she had orchestrated much of what transpired by her ill thought-out plan, but who sits by and watches their child being taunted without responding?)

    Something To Do
    Genesis 24:12b. Ask, (sincerely and thoughtfully), God to “help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.”

  12. I was struck by Abraham’s love for both his sons. Also, I had never noticed before that when Abraham sent Hagar away, he prepared the food and water and strapped them on her shoulders.

  13. “But God heard” 21:17 (He hears our cries)

    God will provide 22:8 (yes and amen!)

    “praying in my heart”. It’s ok to pray silently to myself or in my head. God still hears. 24:25

    It seems impossible to have faith like Abraham yet I will continue to pray that God would increase my faith to that of Abrahams. This makes me question if I make idols out of my own children.

    It had to be hard for Rebekah and her family for her to just up and leave so abruptly. I’m sure they were happy for her though. What a gift she was to Isaac.

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