RTW January 25

No Change, No Peace

“Will you continue on the old paths where evil people have walked?”
Job 22:15



My Takeaways

Something Old

If I don’t change my direction, I will never really know Peace.

There will be no peace until I change.

How do I know peace/Peace?

  • Spend time with God (Submit, means to know intimately. I can’t know Him, if I don’t spend time with Him.)
  • Listen (take, hold onto, grasp or grip)
  • Store His instructions in my heart. (Teach to say or sing; into heart— you cannot teach, say or sing something that you don’t study.)

We will know peace and know Peace.

Oh, I love Job 22:28

“You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.”

Something New

Job 22:25  “He will be your precious silver.” This is what I want!

Something to Do

What old paths am I taking?



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  1. “Never doubt in the darkness what God told you in the light.” V. Raymond Edman

    When Job’s life fell apart, and God was silent, Job still found reasons to praise HIM.

    I can not be troubled by trouble. Circumstances cannot change the character of God. God’s grace is still in full force; he is still for me, even when I don’t feel it.

    When everything seemed to fall apart Job held on to God’s Word. He said, “I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” (Job 23:12) 

    Job treasured God’s words more than food!  When I stopped and really thought about this statement it became powerful. I spend a lot of my day eating, thinking, socializing, preparing, and talking about food. Imagine if I put that much focus on God’s word. I’m sure my life would be changed if I would spend my time thinking, preparing, socializing, talking and feeding on the word of God like I do food. I can learn something from Job’s word’s today in verse 12: “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.” (ESV)

    My something to do: Never depart from the commands of God’s Word, through a saving faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I must always treasure God’s Word more than my daily bread.

  2. ~These men are Job’s friends and so must know something about him and how he has lived his life up until now. Yet, Eliphaz seems to assume the worst and makes some pretty strong accusations against Job.
    ~Job is not afraid to question God and realizes God is the only one to rightly judge him, asking to argue his case before God.
    ~There are truths about God interspersed in these arguments and responses.

    1. That stood out to me also. If these are Jobs friends, then why do they think he has done all these wicked things. Surely they know him better than that. I’ve always felt that when bad things are happening or others are speaking lies about me that my true friends will know there is no way what is being said could be true. Why don’t Job’s friends at the same? I feel they are more a representation of the “people” in Job’s environment who don’t know him very well.

  3. Something To Do:
    – Submit to God
    – Stay in Gods Word
    – Repent and return to God
    – Make God and His Word my greatest treasure
    – Don’t walk in old and evil paths

    So many rich verses with good application today!

  4. The main thing that stood out to me today was the content of Job’s “friends” speeches. Really? Do they even know him? We are told at the beginning that Job was a righteous man. Who needs friends like this? In the world, when people are speaking poorly against me, I always know who my true friends are–those that know there is no way I could have done what is being said. Where are Jobs’ true friends. Where is the person saying, “i don’t understand either Job, you are an upright, righteous man and these things are occuring. It doesn’t make sense. But God knows and He is in control. Let’s trust Him.” This is what Job’s friends needed to say.
    I also noted how Job talks about the wicked not being acquainted with the light. That they hide from the light. We know that the Light is Jesus, and the wicked do hide from Him. They run in the opposite direction for fear of the Light revealing the truth of their lives.

  5. I loved the quote from Wendy today: “There is no way to have a secure and solid foundation of faith without an intimate relationship with God.” That made me think not only about Job’s relationship with God, but also my own. I cannot have faith in anyone that I’m not close to, especially God, so making that time daily to spend with Him is crucial to my faith life.

  6. I have not posted many comments this year because I’m spending time writing in my personal journal. However I wondered if anyone else noticed the contrast of darkness and light in Job 24:13-17? This is when Job is asking why the wicked are not punished. “Wicked people rebel against the light.” “They are not acquainted with the light.”
    I want to be acquainted personally with the Light! (Light with a capital L!) Even though we are sinners, we no longer have to live in darkness. I love this contrast and had not really noticed it in prior readings.

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