RTW October 30

The Way to Stay

When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love,…
John 15:10a



My Takeaways

Something Old

Obey (keep- tereo (tay-reh’o)): to attend to carefully, take care of, guard, observe, watch over

Remain (abide- (meno (men’o)_ to remain, abide, not depart, to be present, to be held, continually

Something New

You will experience His power more profoundly.

You will sense His Presence more authentically.

You will know His love more deeply.

“No one is more miserable than the Christian who for a time hedges in his obedience. He does not love sin enough to enjoy its pleasures, and does not love Christ enough to relish holiness. He perceives that his rebellion is iniquitous, but obedience seems distasteful. He does not feel at home any longer in the world, but his memory of his past associations and the tantalizing lyrics of his old music prevent him from singing with the saints. He is a man most to be pitied; and he cannot forever remain ambivalent.” (D.A. Carson)

Something to Do



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  1. Thanks Wendy for today’s lesson. I really enjoyed it. I want to obey God and I want to experience His love more deeply and sense His presence .

  2. The sections on loving by obeying and abiding in Christ really stood out to me today. God has already been challenging me on my love. I can be so unloving and selfish with my kids and husband and god Is really pruning me in this area. If I love Him I’ll love those around me.

    I also was struck by jesus’ conversation with Peter in all 4 gospels about his denial. Jesus knew he’d deny him and he already prepared a way to reconcile with Peter. In Luke’s account Jesus is pleading in prayer for his faith to stay strong. Love that Jesus knows my weakness , praying for me and is quick to receive me back when I repent.

  3. My Takeaways: Time with the Master

    Somrthing Old: “Jesus told them, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me.” (John 14:6)
    Basic familiar words, but yet so powerful and important. Jesus is the only way to God the Father. He died and rose again and returned back to heaven making a way for me to spend eternity with God in heaven. Jesus provides the way. Jesus is the revelation of God. He is all the truth that I need for salvation, life, and godliness. He is the truth that sets me free. Jesus is the communication of God to me. He gives life, because He is life. If I don’t believe in him all life is lost. There is only one way to God, by accepting Jesus. I’ve found the way! Thank you God for giving me the GPS to you!

    Something New: John 14:26 “But when the father sends the advocate as my representative that is, the Holy Spirit, he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” The Holy Spirit gives me new birth. It is through the Holy Spirit that I am guided into all truth. What a great gift, knowing that the Spirit will always stand by me and help me to follow God’s ways. I need the Holy Spirit, living within me, to give me the grace and strength to obey Jesus’ teachings. 

    Something To Do: Thank Jesus for following through with God’s plan.

  4. I’m a day behind, but wow, today’s reading was so packed with goodness!! I underlined half the reading I think!Some favorites:
    John 13:34-36
    John 14:1-7
    John 14:15-17, 23-27
    John 15:1-17
    Really today’s reading contains almost everything we need to live God’s way….God is truth; Love and obey God; Don’t be afraid, we have the Holy Spirit; Love each other.
    It’s profound and yet simple. ❤️

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