RTW October 16
Become Rich
Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.
Luke 12:21
My Takeaways
Something Old
I act like an unbeliever when I become consumed with earthly things
Something New
I become rich when I replace worrying with seeking.
All things are more enjoyable when viewed through the lens of gratitude and a Kingly perspective.
Something to Do
Focusing on becoming rich….seek, seek, seek.
Wendy, I enjoyed the explanation that you said about seeking the kingdom. It helped me understand more! Thank you!
I was challenged by Luke 12:21-34. Am I more focused on earthly wealth and treasure then I am on cultivating a rich relationship with God? If I’m focused on Him he’ll work all the other things out. I’ve been daily in RTW for a month now but feel I’m not letting it change me. I read and get good insight but forget it as I enter into my day. I want my focus to remain on God’s truth to me all throughout the day. In overwhelming or tough moments I want my first thoughts to go to God not my circumstances.