RTW September 27


Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.
Luke 4:1



My Takeaways

Something Old

Temptations are likely to follow a mountaintop experience.

  • Then the cool waters of the Jordan; now the barren wilderness.
  • Then the huge crowds; now solitude and silence.
  • Then the Spirit rests like a dove; now the Spirit drives Him into the wilderness.
  • Then the voice of the Father calling Him “Beloved Son”; now the hiss of Satan, the tempter.
  • Then anointed; now attacked.
  • Then the water of baptism; now the fire of temptation.
  • First the heavens opened; now hell.

Something New

Compelled/led driveth (KJV)
to lead one forth or away somewhere with a force which he cannot resist

Jesus allowed Himself to be tempted, so that He could identify with us. Hebrews 4:14-16

Tempted: to give rise to a desire in (someone) to do something

  • We will be tempted.
  • We will be tempted again. Luke 4:13 – until the next opportunity
  • We will not be tempted beyond what we are able. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Something to Do

Be armed and ready for the temptation.


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  1. We have ______ on our side? The very last of the video I cannot fiqure out what Wendy says. Can anyone tell me?! Thank you!

  2. Jesus temptation stood out to me today. The spirit is who lead him into the wilderness to tested. Satan didn’t give up easily. Jesus used Gods word to combat the testing. Jesus told Satan to leave and he did. I too can rebuke Satan and tell him to leave and he has to flee. Satan was looking for the next opportunity to tempt Jesus and he is doing the same in my life. I need to be alert and watch for him – he is on the prowl looking for someone to devour 1 Peter 5:8.

  3. Thank you for a good lesson on temptation, Wendy. It is so often true that temptation follows a mountain top experience!
    I was particularly drawn to the story of the wedding at Cana today. Biblestudytools.com has an article entitled Jesus’ first miracle at Cana in Galilee (I hope I remembered that correctly.) It’s an interesting read and made me really think about Jesus’ first miracle and the meanings in that story – John 2:1-12

  4. My Takeaways: Temptation

    Something Old: So much to grasp in today’s reading. The temptation of Jesus, the testimony of John the Baptist, Jesus the Lamb of God, the first disciples, the wedding at Cana, and Jesus clears the temple. But since the temptation of Jesus was mentioned in three Gospels I figured it was the most important so I decided to put my focus there. I found it interesting that Jesus quoted scripture to help resist Satan’s attacks. But He took it a step futher, He obeyed what the scripture said. Knowing scripture is very important, but if we don’t obey what it says it does nothing for us at all. Satan knew scripture too, but he chose not to obey the knowledge he had. Like Satin, people today like to twist scripture to suit their purpose and tempt me into doing something that I know is wrong. It’s easy to find Bible verses that seem to support any viewpoint. Only if I really understand the WHOLE Bible will I be able to recognize mistakes. If I don’t want to make these mistakes I need to study the Bible well in order to follow God’s desire. That’s why RTW with Wendy and all my online friends is so important.

    Something New:  The recorded three temptations of Christ mirror the steps Satan used to bring sin into the world in the first place:

    If you are the Son of God …

    Genesis 3
    Did God actually say …
    Also, like with the first sin, it is related to food.

    If you are the Son of God, jump off …

    You will not surely die
    God didn’t mean what He said (“I even quoted a passage to prove it!”)

    And lastly:
    if you will worship me …

    you will be like God …
    Questioning God’s authority.

    Satan is questioning whether Jesus was who He said He was (and whom His Father had just attested to at the baptism) – He was trying to get Jesus to fail in His earthly life so He couldn’t be our perfect sacrificial substitute. But unlike the first Adam, Jesus didn’t fail. He passed the test and became our perfect sacrificial substitute.
    I did not discover this on my own. It was pointed out to me by someone else (can’t remember who). Anyway I found it interesting, so I thought I would share it.

    Something New: Read scripture, study scripture, know scripture, obey scripture

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