RTW September 18

Handling Bullies And Mean People

“Sanballat was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. He flew into a rage and mocked the Jews,…”
Nehemiah 4:1



My Takeaways

Something Old

  1. First: Pray.
  2. Second: Recognize it is not your fight.
  3. Third: Always carry our weapon.

Something New

Unfortunately, there are bullies and mean people in the church also.

Something to Do

Pray, keep my weapon close by, and leave the rest up to Commander of Heavens Armies.


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  1. Good lesson as always. I need to think of that for I am currently in a situation / stage of life that I get some “well meaning bullies” around me. I do believe they really don’t mean anything bad but they do tend to make me very insecure and they do try to force their opinions and way of life on me. I always tried to make them see my point of view and why I think I am on the right path as it concerns my life. But it just does not matter. I am not changing their point of view anyways and it brings me anxiety and stress. So I think this is a good reminder of keeping verses always at hand. On peace. On doing what you know is the right thing to do because the Word of God tells you so. I had to chuckle when Wendy said she always had a Bible or spiral binder with verses with her. My husband was lately travelling by train to Berlin. And someone left his little bible. He didn’t see who it was, it was already laying there before he entered. Nobody came back to claim it and nobody’s name was in it. It is the size that fits into your hand and therefore in every women’s purse. My husband is not believing in Christ yet. He does believe in God but he has a hard time believing that Jesus died for his sins. I am still praying for that. But he was not hesitating a moment and took it with him to give it to me. So now I always have a small bible in my purse. It was like a sign from God: here you go… Keep it with you always! I often thought about buying a small one for in the care but somehow never got to it. Now God provided in this way. Super! Just wanted to share that. Now I need to get busy looking into it off course because it won’t do much if it is just resting there in my purse. So good lesson and my to do: cast my anxieties upon the Lord. I know that is the best thing to do and now I just have to do that!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing about your husband’s experience finding the Bible and bringing it to you Saskia! I think it was a gift from God to let you know He is working on your husband. The Lord provided to you through your husband instead of providing directly to you. How generous of our Lord to so boldly let you know He loves you both You are doing His work as you live out your faith with your husband in such a way that your husband can support you and your faith!! Wow! Sending hugs!

  2. I really enjoyed what you had to say bullies. I am also glad that we have a plan when those situations come up. Don’t like confrontation but when push comes to shove and backed in a corner watch out for mother bear!! Am learning so much !

  3. When Nehemiah got very angry he first thought it through before he spoke or acted. Good reminder for me as I struggle with anger and too often speak in without thinking first.
    Also, what a great example in today’s reading of keeping at what the lord has given me to do even in opposition. I’m leading a women’s study at my church this fall and have felt so much opposition and spiritual warfare. I have thought a few times that maybe I wasn’t supposed to lead it but God spoke to me in today’s reading to see that I need to keep doing his work and stay in his word, my weapon, trust him to protect and guide me.

  4. I live in North Carolina. Our state, along with our neighbor S. C., has just experienced a major hurricane. I live in the central part of the state so we had only very minimal damage, but our neighbors down east are really struggling. As I read today about rebuilding the city wall, I was thinking of all the people whose homes were demolished – who are cleaning, waiting for power to be restored, praying for waters to recede, and rebuilding their homes and communities. Nehemiah lists many of the workers by name according to the part of the wall where they worked. Each individual doing his part, yet working together, side by side. Many people here in N.C. are helping our neighbors, as God calls us to do, and trying to do our part in rebuilding. Though we can’t all work physically side by side, we can hold these people in our hearts and do what we can from afar until we can physically join the rebuilding. Wherever you may live, would you please join us in prayer for all those who have lost their family members, their homes, their possessions. Pray for strength for each individual who is exhausted, but trying to “rebuild.” Please pray that they will feel God’s love, grace, and power sustaining them. Thank you.

      1. Very hard for me to comprehend what those people are going through. A very sad situation! My prayers are going out to all who have been affected.

  5. My Takeaways: Rebuilding the Fallen Walls

    Something Old: All the citizens of Jerusalem did their part on the huge job of rebuilding the city wall. What a comfort to know how the people were able to work together to undergo this massive effort that demanded much diligence and cooperation on everyones part.

    Something New: Today I focused on what a leader Neiehmiah was. He put His words into action and had the respect of the people. Everyone did their part. I had to stop and ask myself if I was doing my part in building the kingdom of God “the wall.” I must work hard and diligently, doing what God has assigned me to do. God’s work is never easy. It most always come with opposition. My enemy is just as diligent as I am to hinder my efforts.

    Something To Do: Constantly combined prayer with thought, preparation, planning and effort. Trust God that He will use me for what he created me to do. Todays reading reminded me of Matthew West song, Do Something.

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