RTW September 15

An Audience With Our King

On the third day of the fast, Esther put on her royal robes and entered the inner court of the palace, just across from the king’s hall.
Esther 5:1



My Takeaway

Something Old

  • We can take our request to the king
  • We can come just as we are.
  • We can go as many times as we like.
  • We don’t have to be nervous or anxious.
  • We don’t have to wait for the “perfect time.”
  • We can trust our King to act on our behalf.

Something New

Esther met with the king when her people were still fasting… on the third day.

Something to Do

Go before the King, trusting HIM, again and again and again!


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  1. Good Morning! Great lesson as always and today’s reading in “Jesus Always” reinforced the very same thing. Love it when that happens and I read or hear the same scriptures or lessons in more than one of my daily reads/lessons/studies/devotions. Have a blessed day!

  2. Wendy,

    God wanted me to hear this loud and clear today!!!
    ….in the middle of a very hot “fire” under pressure scenario and there is NO humanly way to solve it!
    I trust you my Heavenly Father and my Lord Jesus Christ!

    Thank you Wendy!

    1. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to come as we are!

      I have the power,
      for your problem my child;
      Oh if only that, you could believe!
      Just come as you are, without worry or dread;
      I’m right here child,
      Whatever your need!

      Bring your worries, your fears,
      Your heartaches and pain;
      Bring your sorrows, and trade them for peace!
      Bring your hopes and your dreams,
      All you seek in My name,
      In My presence, you’ll find sweet release!

      Don’t wait to approach me;
      There is no set time;
      Come freely and oft’ as you will!
      Come broken and dirty,
      All lost in yourself;
      Just come child; yes come have your fill!

      Not a moment that passes,
      Will you find Me asleep;
      Not a second, are you off My mind!
      So come as you are,
      There’s no reason to wait;
      Come unto me child – rest a while!

      Inspired by Esther (& Wendy 🙂

      1. PBClark3, I realize your comment was from 2017, but this is a beautiful poem! Are you the author? Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, Wendy! Yep! I may be doing this a day late but it was definitely meant for me to hear after the day I had yesterday! So thank you for this message. You are awesome!

  4. I enjoyed going to explainingthebook.com and reading about the story of Esther. She was so courageous!
    Wendy, I love that your lesson reminds us that we can go directly to our King. Sure, have your earthly family and friends in prayer and supporting you in your time of need. But don’t stop there. In all things, in every situation go directly to Your Heavenly Father. He has open arms waiting for each of us!

  5. My Takeaways: God’s Sovereign Faithfulness

    Something Old: So I finished the book of Esther today but, I’m not sure if I’m on the same page as most when it comes to the story of Esther. I’ve never really thought that Mordecai and Esther were godly Jews, because they were living in disobedience from the very start. Remember their families were the ones who decided not return to Jerusalem with the rest of the exiles. Why? The King had allowed it and God commanded it. So it makes me wonder how faithful their families were in sharing the Jewish laws with their offspring, resulting in raising some ungodly Jews. I often wonder why God’s name is not mentioned in the book. Maybe those who will not identify with God’s call are not identified with God’s name? I have lots of mixed feelings about this book. If Esther was such a hero why isn’t she mentioned in the New Testament? Where is her name in the Hall of Faith? Both Mordecai and Esther, as I mentioned yesterday in my post, made a lot of ungodly Jewish decisions.

    Something New: Something that the book of Esther has shown me though is God’s Sovereign faithfulness to his covenant people. Saving the Jews was a part of God’s promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:2-3, Psalm 68:20). God is always faithful to keep His promises, even when His people are disobedient.
    Having read the book of Esther helps me realize even more of how God works in the lives of believers and unbelievers to accomplish His good will. Mordecai and Esther are not the heroes of this book when I see what they did to get there. The one and only hero in this book is God, because even when I am unfaithful, God remains faithful to His Word and to His covenant promises. No matter what, God is the master of all. He causes all things to work together for His good and glory and for His people. The book of Esther proves this to be true.

    Something To Do: Seek to know what God wants from me. Go to Him for all my needs. Be confident that he will do His part. Trust God because he will ways demonstrate His trustworthiness and faithfulness to me.

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