RTW July 18

Don’t Make a Treaty with Egypt

“What sorrow awaits my rebellious children,” says the LORD.
Isaiah 30:1



My Takeaways

Something Old

Rebellious: backsliding, rebellious

Backsliding: to relapse into bad habits, sinful behavior, or undesirable activities.

Rebellious: defying or resisting some established authority,

When you know better, you do better.  After, today we will know better

The LORD says we are rebellious when we

  • Make plans contrary to His
  • Make alliances not directed by His Spirit.

Something New

How will I be saved?

“Only returning to me and resting in me will you be saved.” (help, rescued and salvation) (Isaiah 30:15)

Something to Do

Turn from our Egypts, and return back to God.  Don’t tell Him, “No”.  (Isaiah 30:16)


 © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Again a very powerful lesson!! I can identify my Egypts very well… it used to be alcohol and relationships and it can still be food… I used to turn, as Israel, to exactly the one thing that kept me in bondage and I didn’t even see it. I am so grateful for RTW, through learning with Wendy about idolatry and by spending more and more time in Gods word , my heArt underwent a giant change… I felt no longer okay with my way of life as it was. For a while that was a terrible place to be. But when I sincerely asked God to help me, peace came over me. The first months of sobriety were horrible in terms that I felt in an emotional rollercoaster, even blaming God for making me feel so bad even though I was trying to do the right thing. But then I discovered: I still tried to do it all on my own power and intentions. It took a while to completely surrender and then I felt so much peace!!! It’s still challenging but with getting this Egypt out of the way a lot of other stuff showed up. More smaller Egypts, but egypts nonetheless.. God is so graceful that He never gives you more than you can handle and He knew what the exact right time was to work through all that. I am just filled with gratefulness and joy about my life now, challenges and all. I still have issues but I now know with Whom to make a treaty to fight them! I feel stronger then ever by His surrounding love and power!!! Have a wonderful blessed day all of you!!! Love from Bulgaria ??

    1. Saskia,
      I so relate to your struggles – I am now just over 5 years sober! We fix our eyes on Him and He “fixes” us – makes us into His image. There will be many little Egypts to contend with BUT HE is faithful in our failures! We strive for progress, not perfection, and we press on! Much love and hugs from the US!

      1. Thank you for your encouraging and kind words! It really helps so much to have the feeling that together we can stand strong. We need each other to point to God and His love and strength when we are not able to see that For ourselves. I am very grateful that God keeps putting people on my path that can teach me and encourage me. Big hug!!!! And wow, sober for over five years is awesome!!!

    2. Saskia,
      Beautiful testimony!! As you requested prayer, through RTW, I remember praying for you. What a blessing to have you post about your life now after getting rid of that Egypt!!
      Blessings my dear.

      1. I second Carolyn – I prayed for you as well and knowing the changes in your life is wonderful! God is good!

        1. Dear Lori, yes you have been also such a dear faithful prayer warrior for me! I am so happy that I am now on a place that I can thank you for that (even though I know that you will say I don’t need to do that but still!!). It is through genuine prayers of sisters in Christ that things can happen we normally on our human brain would think of as impossible…. I am forever grateful that God never let go on me and that He freed me from my bondage. There are still challenges on the way but I know where to get my strength from and I know that whatever happens He has got my back.. thanks again for helping me on my healing process!! Big hug to you and I keep praying for you as well!

      2. Carolyn you are so sweet! I can also remember that as well! It took me one more relapse after that and a few months of really deep dark struggles and then I got it., that I needed to completely surrender if I truly wanted to get well, healed and strong in Gods love.. I am convinced that the many prayers said for me helped more than I can ever imagine. I am so grateful for that! Thanks again dear Carolyn and you are in my prayers as well!!!! Big hug!!!

  2. Dear Wendy,
    Just when I think the lessons can’t get any better because they have been so great we have today’s lesson.
    My worthless treaties?! I cringe just thinking about my rebellion and plans that are contrary to God’s plans for me.
    I know my Egypt the one that led me down a dark and destructive path subtly and I’m not making futile alliances with IT anymore!
    Something to do
    Don’t be tricked by my Egypt.

  3. Wendy,
    Just a note to encourage you today . God is using you to speak His truth.
    I’m so glad to be returning to this study with you.
    Blessings on your day❣️

  4. My Takeaways: Trust in God’s Promise

    Something Old: Isaiah 30:15 “… only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.” If only Judah had taken up God’s offer – His promise of protection. Why look to Egypt, when they could have trusted God for His promise.

    Something New: When I have a real trust in God’s promise, I won’t let Egypt stand in my way. I need not fear anything. Because when I trust God, I obey God. I return to Him and His ways. I draw closer to God and can hear His promises. I can rest in God because he is my protector and guards my every move. I can always find strength when I trust God’s promise. I don’t need to argue my side when God is on my side. I just have to be still and know that He is God. I always know my God can and will come through. This gives me great confidence. He loves me so much! Having a genuine trust in God’s promise means that I will be saved. I am more powerful then anyone else on this earth when
    I boldly and properly trust the promise of the living God! By trusting His promise I can stand up to any “Egypts.”

    Something To Do: Reurn to the Lord, rest, be quiet, have confidence, and trust His promises.

  5. Love this teaching and spent some time after
    Yesterday identifying my EGYPTS. I have a few of them. To help me me recognize I did this:

    E- Egypt promised to feed my ego but it says my Energy instead.

    G- I come to God at his invitation, but I GO to Egypt under my own power and will.

    Y- Yesterday is the operative time zone in Egypt. It keeps me looking back at what has been before and never put at what is it forward at what could be.

    P- My Egypt’s have almost a pull on me . Approaching them is perilous because I cannot keep to a safe distance. Like a magnet-when I get in their force field- they will pull me in.

    T-Nothing in Egypt will last. Satisfactions found there last but a minute and then I am left to chase other things.

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