RTW March 30

A Quick Word from Wendy….



For Continued Rest

The years passed, and the LORD had given the people of Israel rest from all their enemies…
Joshua 23:1a



My Takeaways

Something Old

When the battle is over and rest comes, enjoy His place of promise. Follow Joshua’s plan and enjoy continued rest:

  • Follow His instructions
  • Don’t deviate from the Book
  • Cling tightly to Him
  • Don’t even mention the names of, serve, or worship other gods
  • Love Him

Something New

God pointed Joshua to lead after Moses, but did not appoint a new leader after the death of Joshua.

Something to Do

Pursue continued rest to experience rest in my soul, even if rest in my circumstances isn’t restful.


 © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Wendy, so sorry to hear about your mom and dad. Glad they are doing better. I will keep you and your parents in my prayers. Thanks for visiting us today. 🙂

    My Takeaways: Moving forward without a godly leader to keep them in check.

    Something Old: Joshua 22:5 “But be very careful to obey all the commands and instructions that Moses gave to you. Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.” Quick reminders of what they had already heard, but are of utmost importance if people are to stay morally pure. Something every Christian should put into practice today. Hear God, love God, and walk in obedience to God. Rememembering to serve him with all of your being. Stay accoutable to God; He is first.

    Something New: Joshua 24:15 “But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” I think we need some Joshuas in our life’s today. People who will settle in their hearts, that Jesus Christ, His Word and will are going to come before everything else in life!

    Something To Do: Set the example for others. Make sure my life stands as a challenge to godly living. I need to fear the Lord, put away my idols, and serve the Lord all the days of my life.

  2. Note:
    Adam Clarke Commentary
    A long time after that the Lord had given rest – This is supposed to have been in the last or one hundred and tenth year of the life of Joshua, about thirteen or fourteen years after the conquest of Canaan, and seven after the division of the land among the tribes.

    Something Old
    Joshua 22:3b, “…..even though the campaign has lasted for such a long time.” Sometimes our trek up a steep hill on a bicycle can last a very long time. Our legs get tired, our lungs feel about ready to burst, but I agree with Wendy…..knowing that God is with us….enables us to “go on to the heights.” I long for rest. I long for rest for many people around me. The words of RTW and most certainly the holy words of scripture do comfort and counsel me. A morning devotional spoke of this same thing:
    “Beloved, do not try to get out of a dark place (or a steep hill, I might add), except, in God’s time and in God’s way. The time of trouble is meant to teach you lessons that you sorely need. Premature deliverance may frustrate God’s work of grace in your life. Just commit the whole situation to Him. Be willing to abide in darkness so long as you have His presence.” (Streams in the Desert)

    Something New
    Joshua 22:8, “Share with your relatives back home the great wealth you have…..” Not only were they instructed in obedience to God, but they were given specific detail and told to share their goods. I suspect that along with the plunder they were to share their obedience and their worship and their peace. When we come into our times of rest it is important to allow that peace to overflow to others around us who may not be feeling the assurance we have. When we have material abundance we are to be generous to those in need.

    Something To Do
    Don’t rush to judgement. Joshua 22:13, “first, however, they sent a delegation ….” Before going to war for what they thought was occurring, they sent a group to talk to the tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh. By exerting self control and restraint they averted an unnecessary war. I need to do the same in my personal life. I must not presume I know the motives of those around me without communicating with them.

    So grateful to hear Wendy say that plans are under way for RTW 2019!

  3. Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing your personal story. I feel so connected as I am also caring for parents. My circumstances are similar, but reversed. My dad fell last July and broke his hip. That was followed by another surgery for a bowel obstruction. While he recovered, my mom fell and broke her arm! My brother and I have been sharing the care. So many similarities to your story. I know I will not regret this time. It truly is an honor to care for loving parents who cared for me. I will include your family in my prayers❤️??
    Much love and respect,

  4. Wendy! It was so great to hear a fresh word from you today! I am so sorry for what your parents are going through but I love how you described taking care of them as “a great blessing.” I am in a season of taking care of my soon to be 87 year old Daddy and I too feel that caring for him is a great blessing. I will be undergoing my second aneurysm surgery on April 6th and while I am nervous I also have a restful peace. Peace in knowing that God has me in His arms. My circumstances are far from restful but in Him I have rest. Thank you Wendy for the wonderful lesson!

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