RTW January 6

Our Prayers

Abraham approached him and said, “Will you sweep away both the righteous and the wicked?”
Genesis 18:23


My Takeaways

Something Old

Sarah laughed at God’s plan.

Have you ever laughed at God’s plan?

Something New

Sodom was about 20 miles from Hebron. Abram spent a lot of time intercede for his nephew.

Our prayers matter to other people.

What would have happened to Lot if Abraham not prayed for Lot? Lot probably never knew the lengths that Abraham went to on his behalf.

Our prayers can’t stop.

We never know what God is doing or what one is allowing God to do in his or her life.

Our prayers draw us closer to God.

Hear Abraham’s pleading. He was desperate.

How desperate am I?

“If you are not praying the kind of prayers that scare you, believe me, you are not scaring the enemy! You have access to the Creator of heaven and earth. The world needs you to prayscary prayers instead of scared prayers!” – Lisa Bevere

Something to Do


 © RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. My Takeaways:
    Loved Wendy’s commits on prayers.

    Something Old:The story of Sodom and Gomorrah gives me two character traits of God. Patient (willing to spare the city if only 10 righteous people were there) Anger (destroying both cities). As I continue to grow in my Christian walk I develop a deeper respect for God because of his anger toward sin, but realize the great love that he has for me because of his patience when I sin.

    Something New:
    God’s mercy toward Abraham extended to Lot and his family. What influence we Christians can have on this world!

    Something to Do:
    Remember the power of pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for others that are not saved.
    James 5:6 “…earnest prayers of a righteous person has great power.”

  2. Something Old

    Genesis 18:12 “……she laughed silently to herself”. We, like Sarah, think we can conceal things from God. And even when challenged on them, we often resort to denial. But we can not. We can not hide our emotions, motives or actions. We should take comfort in that, for it allows us to be real and, ultimately, liberated.

    Something New

    Genesis 19:30. “Afterward Lot left Zoar because he was afraid”. Some speculate that he found it as bad as Sodom. Some think he saw the rise and increase of the waters which began to overflow the plains and eventually formed the Dead Sea. Either way he soon decided to go to the mountains where he was originally instructed to flee. (Another example of progressive obedience).

    Something To Do

    Genesis 18:25b. “Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?” I want to want God’s will, God’s justice, God’s mercy more than I want my own. Mine is so tainted. His is pure and peaceable. I desperately want to “pray scary prayers instead of scared prayers.”

  3. Thanks Wendy for this lesson about prayer. Prayer is so powerful. I have been praying for 4 years now for a husbsnd and God still hasnt answered my prayer yet but I am going to keep praying everyday and I will never give up or stop praying. I love how pray is a way to have a conversation with God.

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