Holy Spirit Meter Reader

As a parent, my children view me as an expert on every subject. From their vantage point, I should be able to answer all of their questions. Thankfully, when they were younger, I knew at least enough to satisfy my kid’s curiosity—until Griffin finally stumped me with trucks, bulldozers, and “worker men.”

I admitted my lack of knowledge and asked Griffin if he would research construction equipment with me. Together, we learned the difference between a skid steer and an excavator, a backhoe and a bulldozer, a baler and a harvester. Driving home from preschool one day, he spotted a truck and a “worker man” we hadn’t studied. Thrilled at seeing the man, Griffin instantly bombarded me with questions about who he was and what he was doing.

Fortunately I recognized the truck as a meter reader. (I don’t believe that is the technical name, but it worked for a four-year-old.) He quickly asked, “What does a meter reader do, Mommy?” Trained to think on my feet, I answered without hesitation, “He reads the meter on the house to see how much power the people who live there have used.” He sat back to reflect on this new knowledge, satisfied with my answer.

Griffin may have been content, but the Holy Spirit unsettled me with a question about my own life. If I had a meter to measure the amount of the Holy Spirit’s power that I used today, what would it read?

Let’s look at Ephesians 1:19-20, “I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” (NLT) Now that is some serious power!

His power enables us to be aware of the enemy and his schemes. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit’s power gives us the ability to overcome Satan and deny sin’s temptations. We are equipped, through God, with a faith to fight whatever is coming against our marriages, our children, our nation, and our calling.

The same power that defeated the enemy at the cross lives in you and me! There are times when we may feel dead in our sin and have no hope of living in freedom. Or a relationship is lifeless and we can’t resuscitate it on our own. Or we missed an opportunity to do kingdom work. In these times, we need to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to resurrect that which appears dead.

We don’t have to face fear, anxiety, struggles, or anything on our own. Indeed, we can’t. The mighty power of God gives us the boldness to proclaim His authority in all areas of our lives and into the world, so all people will see His glory.