Time Is In His Hands

“So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies.” Joshua 10:13a (NLT)

Has there ever been a time when you longed for just a little more light in your day to accomplish your tasks? When you need more time, do you ask God for it? After all, time is in His hands.

God knew Joshua needed a little more time, so He gave it to him.

Joshua and the Israelite armies were in battle against five combined Amorite armies to conquer the land allotted to them after crossing the Jordan. Joshua and his men were tired. The warring for the land had been intense. As the leader, Joshua decided to travel all night for a surprise attack. And then Joshua asked God to hold the sun and moon still so they could fight.

Over a decade ago God called me to radically trust Him with my time and get up each morning before the sun rose to spend time in prayer, and in His Word.

How can I do this? I remember asking the Lord.

I argued: I am a busy wife and mother. The baby is only a few months old. I need sleep.

It never occurred to me to ask God to help me by adjusting my time so that I could walk in obedience to Him as well as take care of all my other responsibilities.

Eventually I obeyed, but not wholeheartedly. My problem wasn’t that I did not want to know God better. My problem was that I believed I could manage the time in my day better than He could. I believed the lie that told me I was in control. The lie told me I did not need God for the little details of my day-to-day living. The lie told me I did not need to tithe the first fruits of my day to God. The lie, lied.

Eventually the lie was defeated, just like the Amorite armies.

Over the last decade I have learned, like Joshua, to call on God and ask Him to “let the sun and moon stand still” so that I can accomplish what He has ordained for me to do. It is my desire to be at peace with His timing and not to complete my checklist.

Do I believe He has held time in His hands for me? Yes I do. How can that be? He is God, the great I AM, and the Creator of time.

When you need more time, will you ask God for it?


  1. Early mornings are the best time to connect with God. And what a way to set the stage for your day! Blessings on yours.

  2. Wendy,

    Thank you for this reminder. I need to ask God to help me adjust my time so that I can walk in obedience to Him. My first thought has been what do I take off my schedule but maybe I skipped a step first.

  3. You’re down to earth style of writing so speaks to my heart. Love what you share and hope to dive into more of your teachings.!! Thx.!!

  4. Wow I just happen to click on your name in the First 5 app and saw this. I have been struggling with this. I feel it in my heart that God wants me to get up early and give Him my time of praise and worship. I do the First app and pray some but sometime I’m just so tire, I don’t feel strong enough. I know that I have to do my effort into this and the Lord will bless me. It was amazing to see someone else struggle the same way and overcome it. I need this so much. Personal and health issue make it hard but God is powerful to do anything!!? Thank you, Lord.

    Thank you for sharing, it really helped me to see it in a different way.

  5. I am so glad I got to read this! I needed this today. Time is so important. Will you pray for me and my family. Thank you 🙂

  6. My internal alarm click goes off around 4:00-4:30 and that my time with God. The house is quiet and God has my undivided attention. Blessings to you!

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