Hello 2017

Goodbye 2016….hello 2017

As I pursue social media I see all manner of quick witted quotes and poetic phrases about the new year. Everyone is creating goals and writing resolutions.

Me? I’ve never been big on making resolutions or setting goals. To be honest, by mid-January I’ve failed so I let myself forget about the remaining 11½ months. Maybe you can relate.

Several years ago, as one year closed and new approached, the Lord pricked my heart with a Bible verse. This verse kept showing up over and over again. In songs. In sermons. In my daily Bible study. The repetition got my attention. I knew God wanted the verse to be my focus for the upcoming year. Every year God has faithfully given me what I call a spotlight verse.

This year my spotlight verse John 21:22, Jesus replied, If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me. Jesus was speaking to Peter who at time was concerned about what was going to happen with John.

God wants me to follow Him and not be concerned about or compete with what He is doing in or through those around me.

No catchy one-liners for me simply follow Him.

What does God require of you in 2017?


  1. I’m not really into resolutions either. A couple of years ago there was a fad to pick a word for the year. Thought it was silly but the word Joy kept being presented to me in different ways. I’m still focusing on that word!

  2. Wendy, I was nodding in agreement about resolutions. I don’t make them because they tend to be things I should already be doing. Why wait until January 1 to change what I need to? As I read on, the idea of niot competing hit home and had me re-look at.Matthew 6. Jesus tells His followers not to worry about what to eat or drink or wear. Then verse 33 jumped out: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” This is where I need to start- Seek the kibgdom of God above all else. With that in mind, I am off to Genesis 1:1 and today’s Read Through the Word.

    Have a blessed 2017 filled with blessings and Son shine.

    Mary Emily

  3. To truly invite more of Him into my life… cultivating more of the fruits of the spirit in my life. 🙂 I’m sensing God wants me to draw closer to Him than I ever have before!

  4. God has really put Grace on my heart… That I show His grace to everyone that I meet. Letting my encounters be about unconditional love and grace that comes at others the way that Christ’s grace has fallen on my heart

  5. God has placed rejoice on my heart and to stop grumbling and complaining. Rejoice in the Lord, the JOY of the Lord is my strength.

  6. I haven’t been given a verse or a word this year. What has come across my path this time, is two different, short, Bible studies (one online and one at a church near me) and a one year daily devotional book, regarding the same theme, “spending time at His feet”. So with this year’s RTW, I hope to focus more on a relationship at His feet.

  7. I don’t typically make a resolution because I do not stick to it. But this year I plan to engage in opportunities where I grow spiritually !

  8. I haven’t made any New Year resolutions in several years! For the past few years though, I have been doing the “One Word,” and have found it to be an amazing experience by staying focused and finding out what God has for me to learn on that word throughout the year. My one word for this year is Trust! For the past 3 days, I keep seeing Isaiah 43:19 pop up everywhere I look. I have even turned to it 3 times in the past two days as I open my Bible! After reading your blog post this morning, it’s obvious to me that God wants me to see that He is doing new things! I’m excited to see what His plan for 2017 is!

  9. Last year was a really big “give” year for me. Both of my children started in new schools, in new cities. I have 2 freshman in two states! I also took each child on a cross country driving trip, to try to cement a few “just with him or her” memories before their new lives started up. On top of all that giving, albeit for good, I poured myself on a dear friend of mine who was going through a long and difficult personal situation. Oh, and we moved and I started a new job, working outside my home for the first time in 18 years! So, as I said, a very “give” to others and new situations year for me.
    This year, I’m hearing God say to put the focus to me. The word selfish has a negative connotation, but I’m hearing it in a good way. To focus on myself. To take care of me. To think about what I would want and let that happen, versus putting my desires aside for those around me.
    I know living a good life is largely about giving. I know I am happiest when those I love are happy and content. I also know I’m hearing God say “put yourself first.” This is a hard concept for me.
    I’m not sure if there’s a Bible verse for what I feel God is asking me to do this year. If someone finds one that paraphrases my thoughts, please send it to me?
    Thank you and blessings for the New Year

  10. 2017
    Trust God
    Follow God
    Obey God
    Love like God
    Thank and praise God
    Lead others to God.

  11. Wendy, I absolutely loved Wait and See ! Are you planning to do any more Bible Studies? You are a very gifted writer and mentor! I loved the portions of how to apply lessons to everyday life along with etimologies.

  12. To read his word and to understand it’s meaning so I can apply it. Not only to my life but more importantly so I can help others. I truly believe that is my calling.

  13. My i dont know if it is a full verse but until just about a month ago i never read or had interest in god or Jesus but i hit a very low part of my life where i dont even know why Iam here what is my purpose but anyways my verse is “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ” i feel it is Jesus Christ telling me Heather you got this!!!❤???

    1. Yes Heather, Fearfully and Wonderfully you were created by God who loves you. So many promises and guidance within His Words. You have this as you look to and draw from God!

  14. 2017 is off to quick start already. I am one of those who don’t readily make resolutions. Not too long ago, God instructed me to ‘Trust Him’ . So grateful for those really ensuring times when He graciously allows His sweet and assuring Presence to soothe and instruct. The question, will I obey quickly or disobey and suffer the consequences? Holy God, help me to be the child you created me to be for your Kingdom and Righteous . Be glorified in our lives. Thanks to Proverbs 31
    ministries and Wendy along with the other servants. Appreciated the teaching on Joshua 20 this day. May God lovingly guide each of us daily!

  15. Even though it is into February, already, my verse for this year is….
    Exodus 14:14….The Lord will fight for you. You need only BE STILL!!

    I have been going through a period of Storms in my life since this past December! My life has been turned upside down and yet God has given me peace and I have confidence as long as I keep my “vertical focus” and TRUST, God will fight for me and will direct me when it’s time to take the next step!!!

    Life changing times right now….Praise His Holy Name!!!

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