Waiting Misconceptions

When times get hard and the wait seems too long, we begin to doubt God as well as the unlimited and mind-blowing future He has planned for us. We begin to question God: Did I hear You correctly? Do You see what I am going through? Why does this have to be so hard? We blame God because our circumstances seem more difficult than before we invited Him into our wait. It is during these times that we have to fight to maintain our focus on the Person of our faith rather than the object of wait or distracting circumstances that surround us. One way to do this is through prayer.

The Lord longs for us to reach out to Him and ask for help, clarity, and direction. See what James 1:5–8 says: “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who ‘worry their prayers’ are like wind whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open” (THE MESSAGE). In this verse, James clearly tells us we are to ask our Father for what we need. James says God loves to help. I certainly like the sound of that—how about you?

In Wait and See identify common misconceptions “waiters” encounter. Recognizing these misconceptions will empower us to wait well, stay present in the present, and experience God in our delay.

Misconception #1: If I am waiting, I must not have heard God correctly.

Meet Ashley: Ashley learned that waiting doesn’t necessarily mean you heard God incorrectly. Ashley says, “We give up too easily because we don’t see what we want to see when we want to see it.”

Misconception #2: If I am waiting, I must desire something not in God’s will for my life.

Meet Samantha: Samantha desired to be married. She knew God ordained and approved marriage, but did He want her to be married? There are plenty of verses in the Bible about marriage, relationships, and how to be a loving spouse. Yet Samantha also knew the verses in which Paul clearly states that some people are called to remain single

Misconception #3: If I am waiting, I must not be praying enough.

Meet Dianna: Day after day, Dianna prayed and sought the Lord. Many days, she ate only one meal so her family could have all the food they needed. She watched her husband take odd jobs here and there just to make ends meet. She knew in her heart God would supply their needs, but she had to keep telling her head.

Misconception #4: If I am waiting, I must not have enough faith.

Meet Scott and Wendy: This was the lie I believed as we agonized over my husband’s declining health. What was I doing wrong? Was God holding my past against me? Had I not done enough to earn His favor? Sometimes waiting has less to do with the strength of your faith and more to do the perfection of God’s timing.

Misconception #5: If I am waiting, I must not be working hard enough.

Meet David: David did not ask to be king. David did not dream of being king. He wasn’t born into a royal family line from which he would naturally be appointed king. God chose David to be king. It is possible you and I could find ourselves waiting for something we never desired but God desires for us. He knows better than we do what we need to fulfill what He’s called us to do.

We need to prepare in the pauses so we’re ready to embrace God’s plans.


  1. I have been waiting on the restoration of my marriage that ended with divorce 8 1/2 years ago. I believe this is what God has asked of me. Is it easy? No! Especially when I see no evidence that things are changing with my husbands heart. I want to always keep my focus on God and not the object of my wait!!

  2. I have been waiting 10 years for my property to sell. I need help in understanding why. I am looking forward to this book and online study to answer my questions.

  3. I lost my Mother 5 years ago. Three months before she passed away I was diagnosed with TVT bladder mesh erosion. I took care of Mom till she passed and then took care of my father who has dementia for 4 years. In between taking care of my father I had 3 major reconstruction surgeries and I’m still unable to wear any pants of any kind. I lost my job, my house and almost my marriage. I have been angry, bitter and extremely depressed. I have cried out to God and prayed. I’m doing the uninvited bible study and have signed up for yours now. Being in Gods word is opening my heart. I now need to know how to wait for Gods timing to restore peace and happiness!

  4. This came at a good time for me , I have been praying for my husband and children’s families for there salvation and still nothing . Many time I want to give up , and I keep thinking that my prayers are wrong or. God does not hear me . I feel also that I am trap in the house without Christian friends and unable to go to church because my husband is very pocessif . I have been praying for over 30 years . Thank you for your encouragement .

  5. I was going to post when I came here. Now, after reading others’ needs, I’m going to pray for them. My patience were worn out until I read the struggles of others. My issues are so petty in comparison. Thank you for the forum for others to see each other’s issues so that we can pray for them!!!

  6. After a long painful time of uncertainty, I am waiting on Gods healing of my heart. I had trusted Him and feel he had let me down, shaking up my faith. I know it’s not Him but it’s difficult to let go of the heartache. I need healing and a restored faith.

  7. I have been separated from my husband for 6 months. I have been praying for reconciliation and praying g I’ll know when or if things can heal.

    I’m excited for this study!

  8. Thank you Wendy for writing this book. I have been going through a personal trial for 6 years. It has brought me to my knees and closer to God. Sometimes I wonder after I get through this trial/test, is there going to be a harder test for me to pass? Several years ago, I made a commitment to myself to pray for others more than myself as it takes the focus off of my situation. A little over a year ago I started a gratitude journal and list the
    things that I am thankful for each day….big and small. I have to BELIEVE that my waiting period is preparing me for what God wants for me. I keep repeating Romans 8:28. I do know that he has had me to experience this emotional pain to strip and prune me so I can help others….I just know it. What comes to mind while reading your blog is John Waller’s song “While I Am Waiting” ~Lisa~

  9. I needed this reminder that pausing in the journey allows spiritual growth time…… if I choose to use it. The pauses drive me nuts, my I inpatience causes me to take control and move without His light leading my steps. Getting lost without His guidance because His light is not leading, I am. Thank you for your insight and reminders,

  10. Wow. I loved her commitment to her entire family. I know as a mother that was hard, but she was obedient. God Bless.

  11. Thank you for this amazing stinger! God’s gift of words that He has given you about waiting has gone deep in my soul. With 50 years of waiting for conversion to happen in my husband and family, I’m learning to trust God more. Oh Lord, give me wisdom, patience and a compassionate heart to speak only when You say, with an honest spirit to love no matter what. You show me so much Grace and Mercy, enable me/all of us, to do the same.

  12. I too am in a waiting pattern in areas of my life. There are times when I am fervently praying and times when I forget/don’t take the time/just don’t. this has revived me. thank you for that. I pray for all who have posted and all of God’s children to dig deeper in His Word and draw closer to Him.. builder a stronger faith and relationship.. He is our all in all. In Christ Alone we are redeemed. May we echo Him in our lives and to others. wait and see .. the Lord is good… oh so good.

  13. I am praying for all who are waiting on healing or reconciliation or direction in their lives. My issues seem trivial compared to others. I have a teen daughter who is struggling in high school; she has ambitious plans to go to a certain college and I just have to keep on reminding her to keep on doing her best and that the certain plan may or may not be the plan for her.
    I’m also struggling with eating right. I don’t feel well, but I start over every Monday to improve my eating and soon fail again. Not sure this relates to waiting, but I guess I’m waiting on my commitment and my daughter’s commitment to our goals to change. Bless you all for being here. Prayers for you all.

  14. I’m in a waiting period now. We just moved which meant me leaving my job of over 12 years, meaning I have to start all over again. I don’t know if God wants me to be a housewife now or if he wants me back in the workplace. I’m almost 60 years ?……this season is very confusing. I’m asking God for clarity and patience in this time.

  15. GRACE. . . Is not just the life of prayer, it is the way of living, while waiting and receiving. Give thanks in every circumstance.

  16. I’ve been waiting for more than 10 years for healing from sometimes unbearable pain. Through 2 surgeries, numerous doctors and treatments, I’ve pleaded with God for healing. My God is omnipotent and has all authority over my body so I believe in this healing. I don’t understand the purpose for the wait or any good that can come of it. BUT, I still believe that God will intervene. Without this faith I can’t go on.

  17. Thank you for your timely post, Wendy. My pause has been my salvation; this wait has brought me to the Lord and His Word. Thank you, again, Wendy.

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