I Know Whom I Have Believed

So my parents moved into the Old-English white brick ranch where grew I up when was just 2 years old. I’m 47 now. You do the math.

{Pause for mental math operation.}

45 years.

Use your imagination to picture what the attic of a 1968 ranch might look like. The wedding dress, though yellowed and threads weakened by years of heat, still tucked in its box. The heroes’ moth-eaten baseball uniform still holding form on its wire hanger. Boxes of love letters, childhood artwork, baby dolls, records, and books. Little girl dresses and little boy dinosaurs. All this and more. The more is what took my breath away.

The time had come to sort through the boxes, to differentiate between memories worth keeping and clutter needing to be discarded. The heat was almost unbearable. With sweat dripping down by back, I lifted a few boxes to see to discover the greatest find of the day. There it was the small blue booklet that everyone received when they met in Dr. Raymond Sanderson’s study to talk about asking Jesus in their heart.

Right side up salvation booklet




For some reason I can’t embed this without it importing upside down. Sorry.


This pamphlet, this treasure, represents the day that changed my life…my making. The words written in blue ink by my mother’s now crippled arthritic hand have faded and are barely legible:

I, Wendy Barnette accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior on January 15, 1985 at 9:45am. I did this in the Pastor’s study in the presence of my Dad and Dr. Sanderson.

You can see where they eight-year-old me signed my name.

Later in the day my daughter discovered another treasure, a picture of me taken at church for Mother’s Day in May that same year. Wow!

Me May 1975 the year i accepted Jesus as Savior










I am so thankful I found something with the exact date of my life-changing eternity-making decision.

Oh dear ones, I pray with all my heart that you have the day of your life-changing eternity-making decision etched in your mind as well as on paper. My importantly, I pray that you have made that most important life-changing eternity-making decision. If you have not, please follow this link to do so. today

I wanna to feast at His table with you one day.



  1. A most wonderful, “priceless” treasure of this world, that began the day of “Wendy’s days of treasures being stored up in Heaven”! A tangible thing of this life that marks an eternity with Him! Oh happy day!!!

  2. Such a precious memory Wendy! I don’t have pictures of the day I accepted Jesus into my heart but I remember it well! I accepted my Savior at Sunday school in a small baptist church my family and I attended! And a few month ago I came across my Mother’s testimony she wrote shortly after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s . I am so thankful to have this treasure of her written word.
    Love the hymn you shared — it brought back good memories .
    Thank you for sharing this special memory!

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