The Word Still Speaks

My pastor is teaching through the book of Jonah, a very familiar story yet full of new truths waiting to be revealed. A new truth grabbed me in one of his recent lessons.

God gave Jonah direct instruction to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against their wickedness. Jonah was less that excited about this opportunity. Rather than running to Nineveh in direct obedience, he ran from Nineveh in direct opposition of God’s instructions. He got on boat to Tarshish. While on this little field trip, God stirred up a storm that frightened the most skilled sailors so terribly they threw things overboard and prayed to their gods. (Small “g”)

The sailors awaken Jonah, he confessed to the sailors the storm was his fault, and instructed them to throw him over board. They did. The storm ceased.

My ah-ha moment came when I read 2:16: “At this (the calming of the storm) the men greatly feared the LORD, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows to Him.”

These men, who had moments before prayed to their gods, were now offering sacrifices to the one and only God. They recognized Him.

Really? These no-believing-sailors worshiped God?  How could that be? Jonah disobeyed direct instructions. He willingly said “No” and ran from God. This direct disobedience caused them to lose cargo and even worse, came close to losing their lives.

God desires my “yes” but even if I say “no” He can bring glory and recognition to Himself. I love love love that God use my heels dug in the sand, white-knuckled, teeth gritting “no” and to bring others to say “yes” to Him.

Thank you God for new truths from an old story. I am so thankful your Word still speaks!




  1. Hi Wendy,
    Thought I would share this with you….

    New Jonah…
    Jonah was a Hebrew prophet. His experience sleeping on a ship and calming a storm (Jon 1:1-16) anticipates that of Jesus with the diciples (Mt. 8:23-27). Jonah’s three days in the belly of the great fish foreshadows the death and third-day Resurrection of Jesus (Mt 12:39-41). In addition the ministry of Jonah to the Ninevites beyond the borders of Israel anticipates the spread of Christ’s gospel to all nations (Mt. 28:18-20)
    from Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament …Second Catholic Edition RSV

  2. Wendy, I just loved this post! I am going to go get my Bible and read the story again and next time I read it to my grandson , Andrew, I will be thinking about how awesome God is!

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